Sept. 30 (UPI) – Elon Musk is under fire after publicly backing a far-right political party in Germany, suggesting the current government should not be re-elected over its position on the current migrant crisis in Europe.
Sept. 30 (UPI) – Elon Musk is under fire after publicly backing a far-right political party in Germany, suggesting the current government should not be re-elected over its position on the current migrant crisis in Europe.
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Lol @ “ban on Nazis”
Russia doesn’t care about Nazis.
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“Nazi Winnie the Pooh banned in Russia”
Yes, seems that they’re taking it very seriously and not just calling shit they don’t like “Nazi”. Considering this is the country that cheers on the Wagner-group, a neonazi extremist mercenary group led by open fascists and literally named after Hitler’s favourite composer (as stated by Wagner’s founder), I’m sure that they’re taking the fight against Nazism very seriously and won’t ever abuse it for propaganda reasons.
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Putin is a literal Nazi supporter using nazi politics to enact nazi policies while calling others nazis.
It is hilarious that people are falliing for this.
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You actually think this makes a point of some kind? Putin oppresses political movements; he absolutely supports the ideology of them, just not in opposition to his authority.
Wow. Imagine holding up a christofascist oppressor as a beacon of hope and freedom 😂😂😂😂😂
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Are you telling me that Putin has not banned Pro Ukrainian sentiment? Do you really not understand why zelinsky has been Pro-russian parties? You people are utterly incapable of rational thought, aren’t you?
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And yet, who invaded?
Italy and Ukraine are on the receiving side of the propping. Israel is a good mention but probably a lesser participant than the big three (the US does most of the dirty work for them).
In addition to supporting culturally reactionary and discriminatory governments, the far right fawns over the totalitarian strong-man geopolitics.
And as it is known, it’s convenient for Russia to build fascist-aligned support in their targets to have a casus belli for their internal audience. All while following fascist doctrines themselves
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Russia goals are literally the exact same ones as Nazis. Like, in every single way.
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How would the Warsaw Pact be an excuse for being a christofascist totalitarian state that imprisons “others”, kills political opponents, and invades other countries and steals their children?
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That kind of deflection is what cucks do
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None of those people are invading Ukraine right now
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Last I checked it’s the US that’s been doing the exact same thing as nazis since WW2
True but not the discussion being had here. Stay on topic.
Also, stop holding Chomsky up as an authority on anything. He is a linguistics professor; nothing more…unless you count just being a leftist Alex Jones, presenting his opinion as fact and selling scripted interviews with himself as “documentaries”
The fact that US has been committing atrocities on the global scale for at least a century is crucial context for evaluating behavior of other countries Nothing Russia has done even begins to compare to the behavior US regularly exhibits. Countries have to be held to the same moral standard, and until the west starts accounting for its own crimes it is in no position to play world police or judge other countries.
Meanwhile, Chomsky is an accomplished political scientists with many published academic works on the subject. Dismissing hims as a linguistics professor shows profound lack of intellectual honesty on your part. And of course, nobody is asking you to take what he says as fact based on him saying it. The article makes a case that stands on its own merit, which you’d quickly realize if you bothered reading it.
Wrong. I’ve read enough Chomsky to know what he is, thank you. And no, I won’t excuse Russia for being an asshole just because the US is also.
So you/re now admitting that you’re intentionally mischaracterizing Chomsky’s area of expertise then. Then you proceed to straw man about excusing something. What was said to you is that the west has to hold itself to the same moral standard that it aims to hold others to. Until people in the west can fix their own broken society they have no business running around judging others. It’s absolutely incredible that you can’t comprehend this.
And what was the path which made that possible in Ukraine and Italy? They didn’t fall to fascist populists while being a power which strengthens fascist populists globally. It’s hard to see what kind of 4D chess would make Ukraine create fascist minded separatists to be conquered and then fight them with neonazi militia.
The USSR was quite aligned with their own take on fascism. That’s history.
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I don’t think there’s any question if the USA is influencing Ukraine?
I tried to say earlier that the neofascists and its support in Italy didn’t come from nowhere organically. And that support leads to gaining power through elections (I guess as opposed to a coup or whatever?) as nations with elections do