my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?
my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?
Some of these may be for when she’s a bit older, but I had seen most of these before I was 13 and nothing traumatized me. The genre has quite a bit of horror in it, just FYI.
I’ll anti-suggest Event Horizon for a young teen. It’s got themes of torture, suicide, and mutilation and is a horror movie in a sci-fi setting.
Half the movies on that list are rated R anddecivesly not for young adults lol
I just left the moderation up to the parent to decide what is appropriate for their kid. If I stuck to just PG/PG13 movies, it’d be a small list.
How about Big Hero 6?
Not bad!
Yeah, I saw event horizon in my late 20s… I think I am still traumatized lol. Pretty sure she would move into our room to sleep for like a month.
Moon is a slow burner but stick with it and try to avoid spoilers. It’s SO GOOD.
Please do not recommend the John Carter movie, Disney butchered that so badly the ERB estate took the film rights back.