my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?
my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?
How scifi? What time period? How mature is too mature? Without that, here is what I can recommend as good scifi, but you may need to sift through the content of each to determine if your daughter is mature enough for some. I have marked ones I think may need special attention by you with a ¤ icon. This is because it may be too scary, violent, or have nudity. Ones particularly egregious I marked with §.
A recommendation with ¤ beside it may contain brief scenes of nudity or some violence, or may make sexual references/jokes/innuendo, while a recommendation with § may contain scenes that are disturbingly violent or with scenes depicting graphic nudity.
Which one is the black and white version? The original Forbidden Planet (1956) was already in color, which is why maybe it’s easy to misremember it in black and white it being so early. There has not been a remake yet, unless you count the Star Trek franchise itself 😄.
I just remember the first time I saw it, it was black and white. Perhaps our TV was on its last leg, who knows.