What’s a frugal trick you’ve chanced upon recently?
I accidentally semi-reinvented the “trencher”. Basically, in medieval times, food would be served on a slab of bread and that would kinda be the plate. Or, you know, bread bowls for soup and the like.
I have an air fryer, and I’ve learned I can line the basket in a large flour tortilla, and it generally keeps whatever I’m cooking/warming up from getting the pan too dirty aside from some easily knocked-out crumbs.
I hate washing things, and I hate wasting paper liners, so it lets me cut down on those, and I can just eat the tortilla.
Still cooking my own beans in a pressure cooker, and making bread in a bread maker. Those two things have saved a ton of money.
If only I can convince my family to use a bidet, then we’d probably save $40 a month on toilet paper!
omg, getting others on the bidet train would really help me. My roommates plow through TP like Bolsonaro plowed the rain forest.
Upvote because of random Bolsonaro burn.
I was thinking, “Isn’t it usually more expensive to make your own bread?” But then I realized with how inflated grocery prices are now, there might very well be a savings esp. if you can buy flour in bulk or something.
Yes, once bread reached a price that no longer justified the convenience, that was my final straw.
Bulk flour and yeast SIGNIFICANTLY reduce costs, and my machine paid for itself very quickly.