C#/.Net backends are the best. The long term stability, DevX, and the “it just works” nature of all the tooling makes it a great choice. It’s also fast, which makes scaling for most applications a non-issue.
I’ve switched to postgres for DB from SQL server, have never looked back, would recommend.
React / TypeScript / Vite (sometimes Redux) for the front end, C# .net / SQL for the backend…
Fast-ish to get up and running, scales to a medium-large project with minimal headaches
C#/.Net backends are the best. The long term stability, DevX, and the “it just works” nature of all the tooling makes it a great choice. It’s also fast, which makes scaling for most applications a non-issue.
I’ve switched to postgres for DB from SQL server, have never looked back, would recommend.
Yup all valid points. And I find Nuget to be a heaps less painful package manager than other ecosystems