That’s okay stomping burns extra calories.
I could do with your optimism
Get a dog. It makes this so much more enjoyable. Sharing it with a little ball of excitement.
Cats work well too. You go for a walk to get away from them
I… started doing that…
My neighbor used to walk his cat on a leash to stay active in both of their old age. It used to be cute to watch the snow white cat just walking around with his harness, having the time of his life.
Cats shouldn’t be left to roam free outdoors.
Just make the cat go for a walk instead. And don’t let it back in.
This kind of happened to me. My wife always walked the dogs but she started a new job so I took over. My mental health has been so much better it’s crazy. And I sleep through the night now too.
I got a girlfriend who has a dog, so mission accomplished in a roundabout way
Like my boss liked to say. You can bitch and moan and complain as much as you want or need as long as the job gets done I dont mind
I’m at the gym right now and I look exactly like this bird.
Toenail clipping time
I’m just a grumpy person lol. I’m grumpier without my walk so if I’m gonna be grumpy anyways, at least my physical health is a bonus.
I really should start doing this but everytime I go to I think about how there’s so much TV and Internet I have not experienced and then I get distracted and forget about outside and its asshole NPCs.
It’s one of those things that’s hard to get in the habit of, but it does wonders for your general wellbeing.
Why does my being have to be well though? Can’t I be fine and also a decrepit horrible miserable bitch at the same time? Why does life have to be so haaaaaaaaard.
Ok, maybe aim for finebeing first, THEN wellbeing
… nah too much effort. I give up. Dying alone ain’t that bad!
Get a mixed breed dog that you think is a lazy lapdog that is actually a highly energetic terrier. That was my motivation to start walking. Less things destroyed 😩
If I could afford it I would love to. I feel sort of incomplete without a dog. Had one for so much of my life. But it’s not remotely something I could afford at the moment. My roommate has a cat and that thing is bad enough. Unfortunately that cat also is very independant. I love her but I don’t think the feeling is mutual lol
I hear you on that. They’re pricey and needy things. I’ve been around a lot of cats and I know how you feel on that 😂. I wanted less pets but ultimately lost the battle on that!
I started doing it for my dog but with the added bonus of it also being good for me. Then I started losing weight even though I didn’t change anything else. I just stopped being a couch potato for 15 min twice a day. Who knew it was that easy?
Audiobooks are the way
I have tried so many times to get into podcasts and audiobooks but my ADHD just refuses 9 times out of 10. Stand up routines work well though, not sure why…
I get that. I have to do something while I do it. Walking is ok, but the real trick is biking. It’s good for the body and brain like walking but stimulating enough to let me listen to a book in peace
Try pushing through a week or two and you’ll start to notice the good parts of it. And don’t forget you’re everyone else’s NPC as well.
Uh, no. I am no NPC. I am clearly the Godqueen of Mankind and all of these peasants don’t recognize me for my true worth. They will when I execute them!
Sarcasm? Or is it?
It’s your world, baby! They just livin in it.
I was actually thinking of that bit from Mulaney when making the comment lol
Yes, I am a temporarily impoverished millionaire
You know you can bring the Internet outside with you.
God I wish I felt like that. I’m more like desperately trying to find anything on the internet or on TV that is actually fun and interesting anymore.
Would love to have that feeling of excitement again. I remember being really excited about new computer games growing up… Every game was so fun to play.
Honestly, how much TV can someone watch before it’s just a blur of all same same but different movies, series and whatnot?
Everyone is different though, for example I can’t for the life of me watch any series to completion. Sometimes not even the first episode. But I can lose hours trawling through all I can find on Sphagnum moss.
This is exactly what I look like, when my wife convinces me “I need some fresh air”
I multitask and do Duolingo at the same time.
I’m a slave to exercise and that green bird.
It doesn’t help that it’s one of those thing where you don’t notice it working, if it works at all
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