@OurToothbrush my history books Aldo mention the starvation devastation Stalin visited upon the Ukrainian population. It is a matter of historical record, witnessed and verified. What about it do you doubt?
Not according to noted anti-communist historians like Conquest, Wheafcroft and Davies, even fucking Applebaum. Have you read something outside a highschool textbook?
@OurToothbrush In Ukraine, Stalin created starvation.
@OurToothbrush https://www.history.com/news/ukrainian-famine-stalin
Literally not even liberal historians believe that. See: Conquest, Wheatcroft, Davies, Applebaum.
@OurToothbrush https://www.history.com/news/ukrainian-famine-stalin
You’re literally citing a channel that does stuff on ancient aliens and nazi ufos
@OurToothbrush Here then https://www.npr.org/2022/11/28/1139402378/ukraine-holodomor-famine-stalin-parallels-putin-russia-war
Hoe about you actually go look at academics instead of citing corporate media
@OurToothbrush my history books Aldo mention the starvation devastation Stalin visited upon the Ukrainian population. It is a matter of historical record, witnessed and verified. What about it do you doubt?
Not according to noted anti-communist historians like Conquest, Wheafcroft and Davies, even fucking Applebaum. Have you read something outside a highschool textbook?
@OurToothbrush https://euromaidanpress.com/2017/10/04/why-holodomor-is-genocide-under-un-convention/
@OurToothbrush Yes. History is not my primary subject, but I have three degrees and trust the foremost experts on the subject. https://holodomor.ca/resources/documents-and-sources/documents/