Jesus would not condone modern day Christianity but that is not the point. Everyone knows what modern Christianity is about, and prudishness is definitely part of their ideal. If this girl applied for a Christian scholarship, she had to have known at least that much about the religion.
But a good lesson to learn from this story is stop posting anything on social media. Just live your life. If you wanna twerk, do it. No need to show the whole world.
Twerking’s demeaningly ridiculous. Like stripper, yeah, respectable. Stripping’s sexy, it’s alluring. Twerking’s just a somewhat athletically impressive display of how fast can you can convulse your pelvis.
Describing twerking as “sexy” is like someone doing a motorboat on your dick while you wag it bippidy-bippidy up and down across their lips, then trying to sell that as a passionate seduction scene in a romance novel.
Well when you apply for religious scholarships you should kind of expect this.
Jesus was friends with a prostitute. I’m sure he would be ok with some twerking.
The problem is religious nuts who take everything to the extreme .
Jesus would not condone modern day Christianity but that is not the point. Everyone knows what modern Christianity is about, and prudishness is definitely part of their ideal. If this girl applied for a Christian scholarship, she had to have known at least that much about the religion.
But a good lesson to learn from this story is stop posting anything on social media. Just live your life. If you wanna twerk, do it. No need to show the whole world.
Well maybe his friend was a classy prostitute.
Twerking’s demeaningly ridiculous. Like stripper, yeah, respectable. Stripping’s sexy, it’s alluring. Twerking’s just a somewhat athletically impressive display of how fast can you can convulse your pelvis.
Describing twerking as “sexy” is like someone doing a motorboat on your dick while you wag it bippidy-bippidy up and down across their lips, then trying to sell that as a passionate seduction scene in a romance novel.