Remember when the US caused million is refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan, filling up all the Muslim countries with refugees? And then after the starvation and war in Syria those refugees were forces to go to Europe?
I mean generally able to absorb refugees. It’s less a matter of current density, and more a matter of having resources, infrastructure and critically time to absorb them. Yes, I agree Europe and the US could do more.
Remember when the US caused million is refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan, filling up all the Muslim countries with refugees? And then after the starvation and war in Syria those refugees were forces to go to Europe?
Yes, but what’s your definition of filled up?
UK has 280 people per km2
Egypt has 113 people per km2
I mean generally able to absorb refugees. It’s less a matter of current density, and more a matter of having resources, infrastructure and critically time to absorb them. Yes, I agree Europe and the US could do more.
Please tell me who to vote for to help. Biden is pretty pro Israel afaik. :(
I’d hope they’d get a lot of NGO support
It’s obviously way more complicated than that