Continuation: Absolutely don’t buy into the weak view we shouldn’t put them through this kind of challenge. Check out Senna in Brazil, Stewart at rainy Nurburgring, Lauda post crash, etc etc
Yes, throwing up in your helmet and passing out at the wheel is both strong and manly!
He’s comparing imperfect driving conditions and freak accidents with undeniable health concerns. Everyone can suffer from heat stroke- it doesn’t care how fit you are. Poor taste and bad take.
Brundle is full of bad takes on safety despite my like of him for other reasons. The man casually talks about teammates and other drivers dying like flies back in his day like it was no problem. Unfortunately he is locked in the time of not caring about driver deaths because that was part of it
Maybe we should not race in these fucking conditions.
The track was unprepared, and the weather was insane. They should not hold this race this time a year, and if there is not a good time of year to hold this race, it should not be held at all.
We have enough Middle Eastern tracks in the calendar. But hey, FIA wants money.
That’s very much the old school macho mindset that was prevalent in F1 when Brundle was driving.
I don’t think many of the current drivers buy into that.
Wow, that’s really put me off him. I usually switch to international audio or whatever it’s called on f1tv, reconsidering now…
My friends first race was yesterday and he was floored with how they were afterwards. He genuinely didn’t think they were athletes until that moment. Now he’s kinda hooked and excited for the next race. So there’s that
F1 drivers are villains, because they make people think it’s cool to pollute