Does she not understand that they’d behead her, supporter or not?
This is very common but so weird. Like lgbtq+ supporting communism, tards supporting nazism etc, brother they wont and historically speaking haven’t hesitated on camping you day 1.
What is wrong with these people
There is nothing inharently anti-lgbtq about communism. There is with fascism. Fascism relies on a cultural mythology to appeals to some form of purity, which usually won’t include LGBTQ+ people because that’s relatively recently accepted.
Communism doesn’t have any of that. It may include it on a case-by-case basis, but so do capitalist nations and democracies. Just look at the US for that.
I’m tired of the very basic “communism bad” takes. I thought we were done with that. You can build an argument against it if you want to. It’s not hard. Just saying it’s a boogeyman who causes all the problems isn’t one though
Case-to-case, as in, all cases? It’s not my fault all commie regimes act like fascist ones, with the only difference being pretending to be scared of money yet using it
Pretty much every communist group has been undermined by the US. Cuba has done pretty well for itself despite not being able to trade almost at all, for example. There has never been a communist nation that has been free to experiment without US intervention. Of course they all fail. (I wonder why the US is so scared of it succeeding if “it’s always doomed to fail?”)
every communist group has been undermined by the US.
And honestly, thank God for that. US and especially CIA have saved perhaps even millions of lives doing that.
Cuba has done pretty well for itself despite not being able to trade almost at all, for example.
Gotta hand it out to Cubans, credit where credit is due. Also Cubans have only genocided a little, though it is an interesting thought experiment to have if Cuba was situated in-land with considerable minorities.
But then we have countries like N.Korea which actively trade with the world thru china yet are shitholes. Or china itself, which was a such a shithole it legitimately had to abandon every part of the economic-portion of communism (but still of course kept the totalitarianism and genocide intrinsic to communism) to make itself stay afloat.
What the fuck kind of smooth brained kindergarten thinking is this? Get a grown up to read you a book or two mate
So, which one are you mate?
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For the anger and bitterness imma put you under the commie subsection of fascism.
Terms and conditions apply
54% of Americans read at less than a 6th grade level and fuck me if this parade of drooling, sister-fucking morons hasn’t proven it.
Lmao, not even an american but alright. Reading books has taught me that ethnic cleansings and mass murders of eg. sexual minorities is an inherent, unbreakable part of communism, intrinsic to its ideology.
But sure let’s just forget reality if it defies what you believe in
Most devastating and imaginative tankie insult
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It’s spectacularly tone deaf to say anything positive about Hamas after they slaughtered civilians in cold blood.
So then we shouldn’t say anything nice about Israel? They’ve killed Palestinians at a rate of something like 7 to 1.
Seriously. Why can’t people wrap their heads around the idea that both of these fundamentalist religious groups suck and should be kept from power.
I swear people think super villains are cartoonishly evil people. No. They’re just supremely self-righteous people. And theres no quicker road to being a self righteous cunt than to believe you are gods chosen.
This is how I explained it to my parents when they asked me what was going on
Two groups of assholes murdering a bunch of Innocents while arguing over which sucks more
No, why would we?
It’s possible to think both the Israeli government and Hamas are trash.
As long as you’re consistent.
Yeah, truly no good guys in this fight, just dead civilians
I think it’s a big difference if civilians die as part of collateral damage or if they are actively targeted and kidnapped in terrorist attacks, like the Hamas does it. Also don’t forget that the Hamas is happily accepting civilians casualties as part of their strategy, because it’s gets radicalized people into their ranks and also paints a much more sinister image of Israel.
If an IDF soldier fucks up and commits a horrible act are they held accountable? Having an official policy means nothing if it isn’t enforced.
Well soldiers and armies are supposed to follow the rules set forth by the Geneva Conventions or they could be held liable under international court. And by definition both sides are responsible for war crimes, but you are right no one’s going to hold them responsible.
I honestly don’t know if there’s internal enforcement or not.
I hope it. If a war crime hase been committed, it should be punished. But I highly doubt that the army of Israel is full of war criminals…
How long have you been playing attention? That’s a pretty common position that reasonable people start with but if you watch Israel and the idf long enough the picture changes.
Long enough to see that there are no saints in this conflict, neither Israel nor Palestine and no one is much better or worse than the other. But what I know is that groups like Hamas are the real evil in this conflict, they are plain terrorists…
They said they because Israel never is punished.
They bomb infrastructure basically weekly and you aught to look into that time they took like 15 minutes to run over an American citizen with a bulldozer inch by inch as a crowd screams and begs for them to stop.
Oh or that time they bombed a us ship.
Someone here doesn’t understand what a war crime is apparently…
criticizing current israeli govt is pretty common and level headed take:
7:1 ratio
whose numbers are you using, there could be some sketchy methodology involved
According to the United Nations, roughly 6,400 Palestinians and 300 Israelis had been killed in the ongoing conflict since 2008, not counting the recent fatalities.
6400/300 in 200 You right, it’s 21 to 1.
Honestly, yeah. At least about the Israeli government.
Unless you are a damn hypocrite, you shouldn’t accept anyone committing war crimes, killing civilians and so on.
Obviously supporting a terror organization is also horrible.
By that standard, you won’t be saying anything positive about Israel?
You really think you said something clever there, don’t you?
Of course I’m not saying anything positive about Israel.
What a time to be alive
“Such a waste of fucken time”
N pounded
Fired from what? AFAIK her “day job” is pretty lucrative and I think she’s self-employed.
She was fired by Playboy. Apparently that’s who actually ran her OF.
It’s not like she couldn’t make her own, without them, tho. I don’t think her politics are gonna stop horny dudes wanting to see her naked. Shit some of them might even be in the IDF.
If you’re talking about porn, she hasn’t done porn in many years, and apparently didn’t make much money from it either despite getting a lot of views.
Holy crap she really did.
This site also said a coordinator for the Chicago Bears had his house raided by the FBI so I’m gonna say it’ll post any old shit.
Fair, the site posts garbage, but she really did post on Twitter calling them “freedom fighters” and that they should film horizontally to get better footage (of the atrocities??)
Jesus, and I emphasize, fucking Christ.
Well, it’s fair to say the woman has some issues.
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She can always find work in Palestine
The only thing being pounded harder than the Gaza strip today is this bitch.
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It’s one thing to support Palestine’s right to exist. It’s another thing to justify and celebrate war crimes committed by a rebel occupation of a part of it that invite even more suffering of that country’s impoverished, defenseless civilians at the hands of an enemy that has historically had zero qualms about routinely making their lives a living hell over far less.
Gotta wonder if she was vocal about supporting Hamas or Palestinian human rights.
She encouraged the Hamas attackers to “film in horizontal” for a better picture and said that the Israeli regime was going to be overthrown from these military actions.
Whelp, that’s telling. I get sympathizing with the Palestinian people, but not condoning Hamas actions.
Edit: I would heavily recommend anyone who hasn’t to google Israeli crimes in Gaza before pushing this overarching conflict as black and white. Just to clarify, I do not support Hamas and their actions, I just want to raise awareness of the Palestinian people’s current situation.
Level headed take mate.
The sivilians are the biggest losers as in any conflict, regardless if they are Israeli or Palestinian.
Reactionary politics doesn’t solve anything. It only divides people. Sadly, it is rare for news outlets to do actual journalism instead of taking news from any source at face value.
Tbh, I think it was more that she referred to Hamas as “freedom fighters”
Good Good.
Irony is dead.
This girls certainly never been the smartest and has tons of massively conflicting beliefs, just like any good npc.