Ebay Could Owe $1.9 Billion in Fines for Allowing Sale of 343,000 Emissions Defeat Devices::The Department of Justice alleges that eBay illegally sold 343,011 emissions defeat devices, and could face billions in penalties.
the DOJ also alleges that eBay sold 23,000 unregistered or restricted-use pesticides, which violated a 2020 U.S. EPA stop-sale order, as well as distributing 5,614 paint and coating removal products that contain methylene chloride. The chemical is linked with lethal brain and liver cancer, as well as non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Yeah, fuck em up and fine them to hell.
non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Ah shit, I was totally ready to blame them for Hank’s cancer
deleted by creator
piss off
How could you possibly have hatred in your heart for Hank Green? Hank and John seem like genuinely good dudes doing genuinely good work the best they can.
So you didn’t mean breaking bad 🥲
What you’re telling me is that this isn’t about breaking bad 🥲
Wow, what a piece of garbage you are
If ebay took this to court there’s a good chance they’d win. The overturning of the Chevron deference means any action by the EPA or enforcement of its rules is on shaky footing.
Ebay’s response: “This is unprecedented!”; not “This is a lie!”, or “We’re not guilty!”.
If your best response is that the EPA hasn’t prosecuted you this large before, then you must be super guilty.
I hope the case results in the list of people who bought these things being forwarded to their states’ authorities.
Lol no state has extra resources to do anything. Murica!
And where these are most popular, the police would choose not to do anything anyway.
Truth. I’ve been trying to get my suit in small claims court scheduled for months now. All I can do it wait for the court to have availability.
Lol bootlicker. I don’t agree with their purchases by anymeans but fuck snitching to the government , an arguably more corrupt system than private sector ecommerce
eBay has always sold shady stuff. They only stop when they get lots of pressure about a certain thing they’re allowing. I used to buy $5 Windows 10 keys on there but they haven’t sold them recently.
For me, “this is unprecedented!” sounds more like “how dare they accusing us of any wrongdoing!”
You can read there response here: https://www.ebayinc.com/stories/news/ebay-issues-statement-responding-to-us-department-of-justice-lawsuit/
Basicly its “we are doing the best we can”
I wish that defense worked for me with the cops, LOL
The bigger story is:
Who are those 343,011 idiots?
I’m sure some of them are idiots. I’m also sure there are some people who needed a car to work, catalytic converter went out and they needed to find the cheapest possible way to pass emissions and keep getting to work.
I know that because I’m about to drop a thousand or 2 on my catalytic converter, which I’ll have to install myself to save money, to pass emissions. Luckily, I can budget well and every car repair known to man is on YouTube
Someone needs to start a catalytic converter rental service where in they install a caddy so you can get your emissions done and then they install the bypass when they take the unit back so that you can cheat the system and look legit. /s
I feel like everyone should just share one catalytic converter if they’re gonna cost that much
Lots of deisel guys will delete the system due to cost and complexity.
My father did this, but he only did this because it was either delete the EGR or scrap the truck, a truck which, almost 9 years later, he has still not paid off. He had issues specifically with the emissions device and the work involved would have turned it into a Ship of Theseus
Modern diesels are garbage due to their emissions technology. Oftentimes it costs an arm and a leg to fix that stuff, so lots of situations where you either delete those things or write off the vehicle.
The used market of the older diesels proves this, early 2000s trucks are crazy expensive because they are the last models without emissions stuff
Number seems small tbh, there’s millions of people in Texas
Saw one of these for the first time in our red neck of the woods. First thought when I saw all that black smoke coming out of that BBQ smoke stack was “how did that pass emissions?” Now I know why. Yuck
That’s less about removed emissions devices than a “performance” tune. A truck without a DPF isn’t going to shit out black smoke unless some yahoo has a tuner that dumps fuel in that doesn’t combust fully.
Which they do on purpose just to spite electrical car drivers; rolling coal, climate change isn’t real, god is real and HE would never allow that, yadda yadda! Assholes be assholes.
An EGR delete WILL let you push out black smoke on a stock tune, but it won’t let you “roll coal” as they call it, it’ll only do it if you gas it real hard and even then, it’ll just be a puff.
Exactly. You have to really be trying to make a properly tuned engine shit out smoke, or bad rings. Detuning for power is what smokes, and then you have these chucklefucks that specifically set up the engine to roll coal. I think people that do that should be put in a sealed room with a hose to the exhaust of their rigs and someone revs it until the fuel tank is empty.
I first thought that you worked at the DMV because of your instance name, lol.
Looking forward to the $3M fine they settle on. That’ll teach eBay, surely.
EBay isn’t that big. A 3 million dollar fine would sting
They did nearly $10B in revenue last year…
Yeah, and a net loss of a bit over $1B. Revenue ≠ money in the bank.
But a $3M loss is going to sting when they’re already losing over 333 times that per year?
Yes it will. Also the PR negativity from this caused there stock to drop %1.6 according to Reuters.
I am not a fan of these silly laws but the enforcement will be effective
Keyword being could. They won’t, though. They’ll get a million or two to pay and will move on with their day.
Ebay will appeal it for as long as they can, DON’T THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME!
Could = Wont
I don’t think we care in Australia. The design rules are pretty much behind the pack, so much so that we run the risk of being the dumping ground for 3rd world vehicles.
Its a $10,000 fine if you get caught de-catting a car.
Also we have the whole defect notice system, which I’m pretty sure the US doesnt have. We actually hold the end user accountable.
Just a shame we don’t have great emission standards to begin with. Apparently we use the cheap and dirty fuel of the world. Gotta sell it somewhere!
Shame its connected to thousands of deaths each year
You guys were the last country in the world to ban leaded gas… in 2002 lol.
I can already picture the episode of Highway Patrol now where Johno gets caught for the fifth time in the same car and cops a couple hundred bucks fine and the loss of a demerit point.
How is this ebay’s fault? Sounds like people need to start reporting listings
I hate ebay though so I kind of want them to lose
Why do you hate ebay?
Ebay abuses sellers then wonders why they leave to Amazon. Buyers don’t always fare great either but they are generally treated better than sellers. Factor in the random ban threads and general outsourced customer service stupidity with people who will never solve your issues, it was worth leaving.
Encourages scalping mainly