Each episode of Kenobi, and the show as a whole, seemed like it started with a great idea that just got worse the more they drew it out. Anytime I rewatch it, I skip through any scene that isn’t mostly Vader or Anakin / Vader and Obi-Wan.
Just give me a PG-13 or MA-rated miniseries - that isn’t afraid to test the limits - about Vader in his prime. I want to see “All I’m surrounded by are dead men,” energy on screen.
Wasn’t there a guy who turned the series into a movie by remastering it into a 1h30m video. I think I bookmarked that on my Reddit account before Lemmy was around ( or before the whole fuck spez thing anyway. Lemmy has been around longer than that ).
Each episode of Kenobi, and the show as a whole, seemed like it started with a great idea that just got worse the more they drew it out. Anytime I rewatch it, I skip through any scene that isn’t mostly Vader or Anakin / Vader and Obi-Wan.
Just give me a PG-13 or MA-rated miniseries - that isn’t afraid to test the limits - about Vader in his prime. I want to see “All I’m surrounded by are dead men,” energy on screen.
Wasn’t there a guy who turned the series into a movie by remastering it into a 1h30m video. I think I bookmarked that on my Reddit account before Lemmy was around ( or before the whole fuck spez thing anyway. Lemmy has been around longer than that ).
Please link it if you happen to find it again!
I think it was this one ( quick Google search ) https://www.kaipattersonfilms.com/kenobi
Edit: it’s 2.5h
Edit 2: I haven’t seen it, so I don’t even know if it’s any good. I’m not associated with or receive any benefit by linking it here.