It’s true that it does display ads, and there are links to several cryptocurrency services. They’re “safe” ads, and you can turn them off.
There are already too many threads about Brave’s shitty behavior. Go and read them.
They’re “safe” ads, and you can turn them off.
Can I turn off all the astroturfing Brave is doing here? Those are ads too, you know.
As a brave employee, do you get paid in fiat currency or are they scamming you with worthless BAT?
Also, ‘safe’ ads 🤡
No fan of all the constant Brave threads myself but the calling everyone who isn’t against Brave a Brave Employee is very tinfoil hat, not sure if it was meant ironically or not but can we stop this “everyone who doesn’t agree with me is a paid shill” nonsense. I despise Brave, and hate the CEO, but I don’t think everyone who doesn’t is getting paid for it. 3 of OP’s 35 posts and 21 comments are even about Brave at all.
Just check the post of the last week or so. Feels like there are plenty about brave.
At this point someone might as well go ahead and set up a bot to post a daily “why u no like Brave?!” Megathread.
Weren’t there a few privacy guides out there recommending it not too long ago?
I’ve read why people don’t like it and I get it. I never used it myself. But I feel like some people in the privacy space were
Brave does get a mention in privacy guides, but the recommended configuration has you manually turning everything off. Think of that what you will
Personally it doesn’t bother me a ton. I feel like I am either doing that or using a fork of something else
Yeah, it’s a bit annoying. A megathread about the the best privacy focused search engine would be a thing too. :D
It’s got crypto, scammy stuff built it
They tout themselves as being a private browser but also harvest a lot of your data
Last I used it the browser was also kind of glitchy
They’re chromium so they’re still bound by the whims of Google anyway
Can you elaborate on the harvesting of data? I haven’t heard that part before and would like to learn more.
Thank you I will read through them.
@candyman337 @Albin9326 what browser do you use? Hardened Firefox or some variant of it?
I’m not SUPER concerned about privacy tbh, I mean I care about it, but I’ll make some concessions for the sake of convenience, like in the form of a mozilla account to transfer settings and addon’s between computers. So I probably wouldn’t be a good example, but I use waterfox, it recently just went independent after being bought by a company awhile back, and I like it. But if you’re looking for a privacy/security focused browser librefox I hear is a good one. It’s based on firefox and has a lot of security features built in by default.
If you’re looking for a VPN solution I highly recommend mullvad vpn, super secure, makes an effort to respect your privacy, and is genuinely one of the fastest vpns I’ve used.
cryptocurrency bullshit built in
Why do you care what we think about brave? if you like it and it works for you, use it.
Clearly you understand the misaligned incentives and the bad reputation they have.
Just because the Lemmy techologists won’t recommend it doesn’t mean it can’t be great for you.
For the record: I promote Mullvad browser when people ask for recommendations, brave doesn’t even enter into the conversation.
If you advertise yourself as a “privacy browser” then you need to have absolutely spotless track record. Brave doesn’t, so even if their browser is objectively good, I just don’t care. They have demonstrated that they can’t be trusted and that why I’ll stick with Firefox.
Quit shilling for a protection racket wrapped in a crypto scam, sealion.
Honestly if you must have a chromium browser use Vivaldi, otherwise use Firefox. There is no reason to use brave whatsoever.
Vivaldi is absolute spyware. And firefox have bugs that isn’t solved yet.
All software has bugs, it’s literally impossible to have any program that does anything meaningful that is bug free.
Why ask our opinions if you already made up your mind? If your trying to make us think Brave is great, this isn’t the way to do it.
I’m surprised to hear that Brave is bug-free. Ads and crypto scam are doing miracles!
It’s true Vivaldi is not free open source, the code is owned by Vivaldi however, the source code is freely available to audit which is the main security benefit you would get from a FOSS browser like Brave and Firefox. It is plainly not spyware.
Yes there is the security risk that someone might find an exploit in the source code, and if Vivaldi is notified, users would have to wait for Vivaldi to fix it. As opposed to a third party potentially issuing a patch quicker.
But this is also basically true for Firefox and Brave. If a security flaw is found it’s more than likely going to be the Firefox or Brave team that fixes it first.
Anyone who just casually adds their own affiliate links without asking is not your friend. All they had to do was ask. Consent is easy.
The CEO is also known to be homophobic, has some ties with some far right chat boards, and has been resistant to privacy checkups/audits, which is a red flag on its own. I wont post links, but there are plenty of threads here and on other forum/aggregator sites where they can be found. These points are obviously something that is less about the browser itself and more the people running it, but if the people running a project are untrustworthy or exhibit behaviors that are exclusionary, one has to consider using or supporting their products.