So true! So much of my my schooling, specifically mathematics, has only ever been useful for programming. A few years ago I used Pythagoreans theorym to make sure my hole I dug for my patio had perfect 90° angles, and that is honestly the only time I’ve ever used anything beyond basic math outside programming.
Instead they taught us how to use graphing calculators to draw shapes and lines
A skill I only later used when developing a game jam engine using c++ for the windows terminal
So true! So much of my my schooling, specifically mathematics, has only ever been useful for programming. A few years ago I used Pythagoreans theorym to make sure my hole I dug for my patio had perfect 90° angles, and that is honestly the only time I’ve ever used anything beyond basic math outside programming.
My high school math was also entirely based on the graphic calculator. I spent most of the time playing dope wars.