Examples may include using tor as your daily browser, using VPNs when you can’t use tor etc.
I’m curious to have some philisophical discussion over if there are actually any visible benefits to being private while online…
Examples may include using tor as your daily browser, using VPNs when you can’t use tor etc.
I’m curious to have some philisophical discussion over if there are actually any visible benefits to being private while online…
Google your name. If that doesn’t kick someone into gear, nothing will.
I’ve also argued “if you have nothing to hide, why do you wear clothes?”. Interesting arguments ensue.
I actually just did and I’m impressed that after several pages of search results I couldn’t fine anything. That means I’m doing a good job, because besides a Facebook account and an Instagram account I purely use to reach some friends I have no social media.
Now that is the joy of having a very common name.
The last time i search my name (Firstname and lastname). I was not in the first 20 pages of google results.
Cries in I’m in the only person in the world with my first and last name combination.
My uni put my name on their page and there is nothing I can do about it …