Interestingly it was unpublished until it showed up on a blog.
I’ve always wondered if it was made for a commercial use that fell through. It looks like it should be a goosebumps book, or a poster advertising a Halloween event at an amusement park.
Either way, those are gonna be some disappointed zombies. Roller coasters are way too fast for them to get to those living people. Maybe they can get them after the ride stops.
Lol I was thinking the roller coaster transforms the people into zombies. So then they’re free to get off the ride and go get some funnel cake or hit up the bumper card or whatever.
Interestingly it was unpublished until it showed up on a blog.
I’ve always wondered if it was made for a commercial use that fell through. It looks like it should be a goosebumps book, or a poster advertising a Halloween event at an amusement park.
Every time I saw this meme I thought it was a Goosebumps cover.
Literally came into the comments to confirm if I remembered this from a Goosebumps book.
Either way, those are gonna be some disappointed zombies. Roller coasters are way too fast for them to get to those living people. Maybe they can get them after the ride stops.
Lol I was thinking the roller coaster transforms the people into zombies. So then they’re free to get off the ride and go get some funnel cake or hit up the bumper card or whatever.
Also a possibility! Depends on which of them are farther along on the ride.