I am trying to repeat my 10 Benchmarks video on my 3080M laptop, which I haven’t really used for a while apart from testing NVK. I had forgotten just HOW much Nvidia sucks. I had to reinstall the OS cause OpenSUSE stopped booting after I installed the drivers the first time. X11 is ALSO buggy on Nvidia and crashes randomly. windows won’t show, the Steam Friends List window hangs. This is almost unusable.
NAK and GSP cannot be merged soon enough so I can get rid of this proprietary atrocity.
not everyone have stable Internet connection. Local game is the best
…are you sure about that? 10 Gibps is about to be standardized all around the globe.
Also 10gibps doesn’t say anything about the latency, which is what makes me avoid cloud hardware steaming
No, but we are talking about a STREAMING service. Which means, an ISP would have to be beyond terrible if it couldn’t provide decent streaming performance under an 10 Gibps connection. Which thankfully, is not the case even for Africans, Nigarians or any other “sub third-world country.”
What? No, games arent just “streaming”, the time between you seeing stuff and and the server processing your inputs reacting to this new state of the game should be short, you can easily do this with a 500mbps connection with low latency but will not work with a 10gbps with 200 ping.
Additionally, if you have a spotty 10gbs connection, you’ll still have a bad experience. The maximum capabilities of something doesn’t define how it can be used in the real world. I’m not denying some people can use it just fine, but it’s not mainstream for a reason.
Internet capability in first world countries and Third World countries are totally different. also, cloud gaming is definitely no go if you want to play on the plane (Steam Deck/Switch/ROG etc is the solution for this)
Hahahahaha! I live in germany and the best I can get is 250mbits for 75 € per month. We have no cable, no fiber, only dsl/copper lines.
What was that about first world countries?
OK this is new to me, do you live in the countryside? I live around Porto Alegre in Brazil and for 120 reais (9% of minimum wage and around 24 euros I have a 500mbps fiber connection. But it would be dramatically different between metropolitan areas and a small city
Nope. On the edge of a big city. A couple streets further they have fiber. Here, they dont. But congrats to you having a good connection. Mine is roughly 6% of minimum wage.
Huh? Third world countries are 100% capable to deal with streaming servers with flawless performance – where are you getting those ideas from?
Since when?
Most places in the US still can’t get 1G, let alone 10. 1st world countries aren’t even close to that target, let alone a developing nation.
If you’re thinking about starlink, it’s going to be terrible for gaming and introduces a ton of latency.
*Cries in German*