I have a working theory that Donald Duck comics never got popular in the US because of the ever-present scathing critique of capitalism
They’re not!? Colour me surprised!
Super popular in Sweden, at least when I grew up.
Donald got comics in Sweden that characterized him completely differently than how he’s shown in the US. I think he’s a much better character there.
Donald was always a more appealing character to me than Mickey Mouse because he’s so relateable. He has trouble with love and with money and he’s impulsive and impatient.
Mickey, on the other hand, is such a nothing-character. He’s basically just a brand mascot at this point, with no recognizeable character traits.
And while there are iterations of Mickey that actually give him a personality, it’s much less consistent than Donald.And I don’t understand why anyone likes Minnie either. She has exactly one more character trait than Mickey, and it’s “girl”. Which is just a perfect little example of patriarchy’s normalisation of manhood and why the 1900s sucked at writing female characters
Yeah they probably only created Minnie just to have a female character, without thinking about trivial stuff like a personality. Same for Smurfette
Oh, Smurfette is actually interesting. Smurfs are a single-gender species in nature, but Smurfette was created by an evil wizard to inflitrate the smurfs and help the wizard capture them. So the fact that her only personality trait is “girl” is actually diagetically justified and it can lead into some interesting directions. That said, after breaking free from her programming she has the personality traits of guilt for her past actions and appreciating a new family. So there’s actually a bare minimum of depth there and tons of room to grow the story and the character in interesting directions, though unfortunately that promise wasn’t really explored because… it’s the fucking smurfs
I never thought I would read Smurf lore, but here we are.
I recall them being popular in Germany, too, but yeah, they never took off like that here in the US.
Disney had (has?) a very strong cultural position in Sweden.
It’s a Christmas tradition to watch a TV broadcast of a Disney cartoon medley that started 1960 and is still going strong, the majority of Swedes watch it every year.
Before the dedicated cartoon channels made their debut in the latter half of the 90’s, the only time you could watch cartoons where on Friday night, and it was all Disney. It was called Disneydags, or Time for Disney translated.
I can’t think of anyone I grew up with in America in the 80s who read Disney comics at all.
Sweden in the 90’s and 00’s kids would collect the Disney pocket books like they where shonen manga.
The spines would make a continuous picture and having no gaps where a mark of pride.
Spot on! I looked upon my collection with pride when I visited my parents last time. Even have most of the early ones where only half of the spreads were printed in color
Haha, nostalgin alltså.
Samlade aldrig själv, men hade vänner som var galna i Kalle Anka pocketböcker lol.
Was it also possible to subscribe to the pocket books in Sweden? I had a subscription growing up in Iceland (Donald Duck is huge over there as well)
I didn’t collect them myself, so I actually don’t know.
But it seems like a pretty safe bet to assume you could.
What is Donald Duck called in Icelandic? In Sweden he is kalled Kalle Anna and in Denmark I think Anders And.
Hewey Dewey and Lewey is called Knatte Fnatte and Tjatte.
The comics were only available in Danish for a while so we mostly took the Danish names, so in Icelandic Donald is Andrés Önd (similar to Anders And).
The nephews are Ripp, Rapp and Rupp (Rip, Rap and Rup in Danish).
Funnily enough there’s a generational gap between people who call Goofy Fedtmule (the Danish name) or Guffi (the Icelandic translation name)!Lol, Goofy is called Långben in Swedish, meaning “long leg”
The spines would make a continuous picture and having no gaps where a mark of pride.
That usually only happens in “complete collections” or something like that in the US. With any medium, I mean. Movies, books, comics, etc… And it doesn’t always happen, either.
In Italy, for some reason, Mickey Mouse comics (including a lot of Donald Duck stories) are SUPER popular, Donald’s depicted as always in debt, losing any job he can get and going on extreme life-threatening adventures with Scrooge just to get a cent off his uncle’s debt list, but nobody uses this to actually think that this might be a real world problem and brushes it off as an exaggeration. Are Italians (including me) blind?
The Duck Tales show where he’s the good guy did really well tho
That’s because he was shown to care about a few people he was related to without needing to give up his vast amount of wealth.
This despite him being named after Ebeneezer Scrooge for a reason. I guess he was post-ghost visit Scrooge.
Funny thing is, I feel like the new Ducktales series is the closest TV representation of the comics-versions of the characters. They change some things (most crucially they give Huey, Dewey and Louie individual personality traits), but overall it really feels like watching the European comic books come to life. Scrooge is still too much of a good guy, where in the comics he’s often a kind of villain.
That would sadly explain it. We only recently got out of the Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire phase and only because we were basically forced to.
$310,000,000,000,000,000. Quadrillion is a lot.
Quackdrillion, in this case.
That’s a ducking good joke.
That’s a ducking good joke.
But not so good you have to tell it twice
Now adjust for inflation. The comic was published in 1989. $1 then is $2.48 today. That’s a cumulative price increase of 148.22%, or an average price increase of 2.71% per year for 34 years. It is 4:30am, I am on a shuttle bus, and I am not showing any signs of going to sleep anytime soon.
So that motherfucker has almost a quintillion dollars.
What the fuck did he do, conquer Ceres?
The total of all world assets is somewhere in the realm of $500 trillion. So, McDuck owns around 2,000 times all of Earth’s assets combined.
Of course, he also lives in a world with anthropomorphic animals, so it’s safe to assume it’s not our world.
The ducks don’t talk to you?
Even when they do, they’re not six feet tall and wearing clothes!
So, now the question is which one of us has a problem.
Down with the duck; Ceres belongs to the belters, Beratna
You know, oddly enough, I just started watching The Expanse and it’s actually not all that bad of a show. At least they try to do zero-G right
What an odd way to phrase that lol. The Expanse is one of my favourite shows, and I’ve heard nothing but positivity about it online. The way you said this makes it seem it’s generally considered a bad show…
That’s because I thought it was going to be bad, but it’s actually one of the best shows I’ve seen in years. I feel bad for missing it when it first came out.
They have the guy from Punisher in it :D Thomas Jane. Ohh, I hope they keep making more and that it keeps being good.
And I hope actual human expansion into space never looks like that.
I think it’s been confirmed that season 6 is the last one, at least for now. I really hope they adapt the last 3 books in the future though, I love this series so much
To be honest, I haven’t watched season 6 yet despite it having been out for over a year now, cause I don’t want it to end 😭
He rounded down the number for some reason. This is how much money Scrooge McDuck has, $315,576,000,000,000,000. That is with leap years included.
Okay what about inflation
Just multiply by 2.48 I suppose
$782,628,480,000,000,000 in today’s dollars.
782 quadrillion dollars. That’s the United States economy.
Far more. The US GDP is only in the trillions.
IDK why I said United states, I meant the planet. Microplastics must’ve took over for a second
That man is single handedly funding the Disney cartoons universe
They did the math.
And today specifically, they did the monster math.
It was a graveyard smath!
Nov 1st?
It was still today until I did a sleep. Now it’s tomorrow.
Let’s see, you posted this about 19 hours ago, starting value was 315 with a bunch of zeros… yeah someone else can do the math, but I think our buddy scrooge will be just fine.
Yeah, this could be done better and would still send a message without unnecessary exaggeration.
Are you suggesting that Scrooge McDuck’s net worth is less than $310 quadrillion? Second question: how do you know?
Bro, it’s a comic. They’re not trying to send a message, it’s supposed to be ridicilous.
I mean, THE main character traits of Scrooge McDuck are that he’s stingy and absolutely ludicrously filthy rich.
being a billionaire is already filthy fucking rich.
let’s replace it with everyone’s most hated cunt, the Muskrat estimated networth at 225 billion.
let’s say he loses a million every minute, which is let’s be honest still a shitton of money, literally life-changing for at least 95% of the planet.
well at that rate of losses 1 million every minute
it would still take him 177 days to lose all his networth.
increase it to 1 million every hour, which is still a very good rate to be losing “money” and it takes him 29 years to lose it.
This is a comic book. For children. Not an economics lesson.
I’d like to see you swim in a giant money bin with less than $310 quadrillion.
It is a comic done for kids. There is no message, except entertaining them and selling comics.
Lol nah, they absolutely have messages and have always had them.
No media can ever be there to have no message and only to entertain. They all have an underlying message whether it’s intentional or not because that is how all stories are made comic book or not.
It does get the message through though because it’s just about feelings not about some actual danger.
The government is gonna feel bad for him and bail him out
deleted by creator
Nobody is actually this wealthy, it implies Scrooge McDuck has more than 525 trillion dollars.
Elon could only lose a half million dollars every minute if he was going broke in 600 years.
Edit I screwed up my math someone correct me
That’s off by a bit:
600 years * 365 days/year * 24 hours/day * 60 minutes/hour = 315,360,000 minutes
315,360,000 minutes * $1,000,000,000/minute = $315,360,000,000,000,000 or $315 Quadrillon
For Musk:
$225.5B current NW
$225,500,000,000 / 315,360,000 minutes = $715/minute
Thank you
Oh no, how will he be able to swim in his coin vault if that happens?
Well, he has a position to uphold; what about future generations growing up with a broke Scrooge.
When Russ Hanneman dropped down to two commas.