Another fairly large release! Before I get into it, thanks to those who have donated! I had a $50 one-time donor today which means I won’t be working on Voyager tomorrow evening 😉
New Features
Modded communities list
Quickly get to all moderated communities if you have them!
Share Gesture
You can now swipe to share. This is native-app only, due to web API limitations.
Collapse Comment Gesture
There has always been a “collapse to top” comment gesture. But now there’s a collapse comment gesture, which behaves similarly to tapping a comment to collapse it.
Inbox items marked read on reply and vote
This is a nice little feature when you have a lot of new unread notifications in your inbox. Swipe to upvote, and it’s read!
“Later” long swipe gesture
If you are overzealous with your swipes and accidentally trigger the long swipe gesture, you can now configure it to trigger later, requiring a longer swipe.
More actions inbox ellipsis
This ellipsis has always been here, it just hasn’t been implemented till now. 😅
Improved communities list performance
If you’re subscribed to hundreds of communities, you should see improved performance on the communities list page.
Tap status bar again to scroll back to where you were
(iOS native app only) This was a nice Apollo feature: When you tap the status bar, you’re scrolled to the top of the page, but if you tap again you will be scrolled back to where you were! Great to glance at the OP when you’re deep in comments.
New install guidance
The “Install App” page now provides links to install the native apps, if you’d like.
You can always continue to install the PWA by tapping “launch as Web App”!
Filter subscribed in All/Local
Does what it sounds like it does! You will only see subscribed in All/Local. This setting is at the bottom of General settings.
Auto Hide Read Posts
Once you read a post, it will be hidden the next time you refresh the feed. You can also disable hiding read posts within communities.
Improved mark read on scroll
Posts should now be always marked as read on scroll, no matter how fast you scroll.
What’s Changed
- Scroll comment into view if needed by @aeharding in
- Add modded communities list, add moderator feed by @aeharding in
- Fix back button vertical alignment by @aeharding in
- feat: add share gesture by @80avin in
- Add collapse comment gesture by @aeharding in
- Fix overflowing action sheet labels by @aeharding in
- Fix double pushing route by @aeharding in
- Mark read on reply, vote by @aeharding in
- Add more actions ellipsis in inbox by @aeharding in
- Add configurable long swipe trigger point by @aeharding in
- Fix black space on bottom after scroll up by @aeharding in
- Add inlined icons, move to common file, upgrade vite to v5 beta by @aeharding in
- Fix communities list performance with 100s of subscriptions by @aeharding in
- Fix double requests for feed and comments by @aeharding in
- Fix pull to refresh by @aeharding in
- Add setting to only present NSFW reminder once by @aeharding in
- Add tap status bar again to restore feed scroll position by @aeharding in
- Fix custom manifest.json not being served by @aeharding in
- Add feed filters by @aeharding in
- Add native app install guidance by @aeharding in
Full Changelog:
Test for online gif playback