13 Fridays the 13th
Jason would unionize if he had that many hours of work to do
If the first was Monday as he describes, every 12th would be a Friday. There would be exactly zero Fridays on the 13th of any month.
Every 13th would only be Friday if the first was on Sunday.
Oh shit you’re right.
Then I think Jason should look into universal basic income cuz he’s about to be out of his job.
The first should be a Sunday. Then we can align with Stardew Valley time.
Stardew Valley starts on a Monday as well, no?
Love good sauce!
Yay for The Human Calculator Calendar. Boo for not crediting sources. A missed opportunity to replace Jesse’s name with, “Scott.”
Double boo for not explaining the extra day every year, not to mention leap year. (364 / 28 = 13.)
Final boo for conflating the real world ~29.5 day imprecise lunar month with the 28 day English common law lunar month.
“not crediting sources”
Anyone that’s able to do math and that takes 30 seconds to look at our calendars can come up with the same reflection, nothing special with the “human calculator”.
“The simple idea of a 13-month perennial calendar has been around since at least the middle of the 18th century. Versions of the idea differ mainly on how the months are named, and the treatment of the extra day in leap year.”
treatment of the extra day in leap year
Duh, that’s the purge day.
I had no clue. Thanks for letting me know. :)
I propose we call the 13th month “Nut November”.
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LAN party
Holy shit that slapped so hard. Was not prepared.
Now I need to have an L A N, L A N, L A N it’s an L A N party
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Hell yeah sign me up!
When the comment is better than the post. And I liked this post.
That’s… old
New Year’s Day. The next day is Monday. And every four years there is a second New Year’s Day
I like this. That day that has no day.
And also, it should still be 12 months, just 4 months (December, January, June and July) should have 5 weeks while the other months have 4 weeks.
The last weeks of December and June and the first weeks of January and July then form a special kind of “half months”, where you get a half month salary and pay a half month rent, etc. Christmas and New Years nicely fit in the Jan/Dec two week holiday, which would be 15 days instead of 14.
In a leap year, the June/July half month would be 15 days instead of 14
This way each season/quarter is still equal to 3 months with 13 weeks. And a half year is 6 months with 26 weeks.
Someone mentioned seasonal regression, this solution should solve that.
And the irony of this all… This is very close to how our current calendar started before Caesars fucked it up.
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
And also, it should still be 12 months, just 4 months (December, January, June and July) should have 5 weeks while the other months have 4 weeks
But they you still have irregularities. Easier to just add Undecimber to the calendar.
You would then lose the ability to divide the year into pieces, since 13 is prime.
No half-yearly, quarterly or bi-monthly rhythm.
Our quarters don’t follow the actual half anyway, with the solstice and equinox not matching up with the months.
The divide is easy, and can be marked on the calendar like a holiday.
- 3 months and a week
- 6 months and two weeks
- 9 months and three weeks
- New years (or day before or after, take your pick)
Much more convenient than making the whole calendar inconsistent.
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Have a “liminal day” that serves as New Year’s Day, and then every leap year put the extra day as the last day of the leap year after the last month.
The big trouble is that there isn’t a subdivision between the month and the year, 13 is prime, there isn’t a whole number division of months that can be used to mark say a fiscal quarter for example.
So I say instead of a 13th month, split those 4 weeks to be an extra week at the end of every 3rd month, so March, June, September, and December would all have 35 days instead of 28.
Kinda what Caesar was going for originally too, having the months alternate between 30 and 31 days, but he fucked it up because Romans were superstitious about February for whatever reason.
Just shorten the earth’s path around the sun. Duh!
Every new years day and leap day exists as its own thing outside of any particular month. So every year we get a full new year holiday and about every four years it’s a full blown 2 day event. It doesn’t need to even be a named day of the week or part of a named month. It can just be it’s own thing. We can number it as the 0 month if it makes you feel better and to help sorting dates. If we’re feeling sentimental, maybe we can call it Friday the 13th because those won’t be a thing anymore otherwise.
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Also, how to you tell the Moon to ignore it and stay in sync?
Each year, the moon phase would shift one day (and an additional every four years for a leap day), then sync with that day for the next year. That sounds much better than what we have now.
Eh, having a lunar calendar is overrated IMO. Especially since going by lunar phase is actually an inaccurate time keeper for seasons and the like.
Count them and insert a week at the end of the year every now and then
Party like crazy for a few hours and then wake up
I think humanity is stuck with the Babylonian 12 based system for the coming centuries. As a programmer, I kindly ask you not to mess with time and date definitions, ever, unless you decide to turn the year into 360 days and remove DST while you’re at it. Keeping up with leap seconds is bad enough already, we don’t need more confusion.
Historically speaking, a thirteenth month isn’t that weird, it even existed, though for a different reason. The Romans used a calendar with ten months of 30 or 31 days, which ended up with only 355 days in total. As necessary, a thirteenth month was inserted to catch up the leap days that had been skipped. The last month, December (decem meaning 10), wasn’t the last month as we use it, as the year started in March when spring came around.
There are actually lunar calendars still in use today, most importantly the religious Islamic calendar. Several special Christian dates (easter, passover, and such) differ each year because they are defined based on the moon, basing dates on rules like “moons since 21 March” to fix calendar issues at the time.
I can tell you’re a programmer, you autocorrected to sprint instead of spring lol
Must not be a Java dev!
My phone decided that Roman sprints took all year. Can’t imagine how long those sprint meetings must’ve taken!
As a programmer, I kindly ask you not to mess with time and date definitions, ever
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Aren’t the definitions just a client side issue these days? When times are compared it’s unix or unix msec.
Computer time itself depends on whether or not you use astronomical time or not (leap seconds and such), but users enter time, and you need to extrapolate what the user wants. That means interpreting and displaying local time. Unix time also sucks for planned events like “every Tuesday at 2” because there’s no stable offset for that (if you assume there is, DST may happen, and it’s Tuesday at 1/3 all of the sudden! Or worse, if it’s Tuesday at 2AM, the event may happen twice on the same day! Or it’ll be skipped!).
Times are already terrible. Timezones are the worst part. Repeated seconds in local time are probably the second worst. Countries switching between sides of the date line are pretty annoying too. 2k38 is going to be hell so I plan on taking a few years off when that comes around.
Our libraries can now deal with time, as long as countries inform the programmers more than a few weeks before skipping the DST switchover this year (this has happened of course). The system is already convoluted enough, though, so let’s just stop messing with it, we can only make it worse.
2038 is only a problem for systems with 32 bit Unix time timekeeping. Right now that’s only a few embedded systems, in fifteen years there will be even fewer
This isn’t even remotely as bad as Y2K where many systems used two digits to store years and rolled over unpredictably when tested. We considered one system in my workplace “good enough” as it rolled over to 100 so the calculations still worked. Others crashed, for example clobbering something in RAM when adding 99 + 1 and storing the results in two bytes
Not everything can be done client side. Sending notifications or emails: server side. Basically anything that’s automated.
I’ve heard that Augustus wanted “his own month just like Julius” and that’s how they took 2 days from february for july and august. That way we ended having less months with 30 days. Never did look it up if it’s true.
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I don’t like the idea of my birthday being on the same day of the week every year. Based on the IFC Calendar, mine would be on a Tuesday every year and that would suck.
So track your birthday on the old calendar. Religious folks will be using old calendars to track important days
Which day of the week your birthday would fall on in the new calendar would depend on which year the new calendar came in.
My birthday is the 31st day of its month, it’s erased by all the 4 week month calendars
So I was curious about this and realized that your birthday will need to be converted for the year you were born to align with the date on the International Foxed Calendar. You just need to convert it once and use the new date from then on.
For example, say you were born on 31 Jan Gregorian. That would mean that your new birthday will be on 3 Feb in the new calendar. This would work for most dates except those between the periods of 28 Feb and 18 Jun (not inclusive) on the Gregorian calendar. Your birthday would depend on whether you were born in a leap year or not. For instance 1 May Gregorian would be 9 May IFC if you were born in a common year or 10 May IFC for a leap year. From then on you would celebrate that as you birthday. This could lead to a lot of people not sharing a birthday anymore if they were born in different years and one was a leap year. Also, if you were born on 29 Feb Gregorian, you’d now always have your birthday on 1 Mar, but if you were born on 17 Jun in a leap year, your birthday is Leap Day and outside of the calendar. All the best getting a venue for your party since it’s a public holiday.
Interestingly, anyone born in the period 18 Jun to 15 Jul Gregorian would now celebrate their birthday in the new month of Sol. Congratulations!
The rest of the year would be pretty standard. For example, anyone born on 1 Aug would now celebrate their birthday on 17 July irrespective of whether they were born in a leap year or not.
30 Dec Gregorian would now be 28 Dec IFC and 31 Dec is Year Day! Hope you found that venue for Leap Day, coz your friend now needs it for their birthday.
It sounds complicated at first, but once we started recording people’s birthdays on the new calendar as they were born, it would effectively be the same.
But what if we decimalised time?
No. Base 12 and base 60 are significantly better for things that are commonly divided into halves, thirds, fourths and so on.
A “day” is 86400 seconds. Changing the length of a second is a non starter, so you’d end up saying a day doesn’t line up with a day night cycle, or something weird like “a day is 8.64 hours long”, which doesn’t feel better than 24.
There’s absolutely no reason why days couldn’t be divided in 10 hours of 1000 seconds, we’d just need to change the definition of a second. The 24 * 60 system is based on a numbering system of a civilisation that’s long gone and it’s as arbitrary as metric or imperial measurements.
The problem is that we have a lot of definitions for “events per second” so redefining all those would be very annoying and costly. Then again, most countries switched to metric and did all those things, so it definitely can be done.
We could change the definition of a second, but we’d be changing the si unit of time to mesh up with things that don’t currently have si equivalents. We’d have to redo a significant number of units.
The meter is defined in terms of the second, which is then used to define the kilogram.
It’s a base unit that all the others are built on. This wouldn’t be a tweak, it would be rebuilding the metric system. So that there would be ten hours in a day, which we would keep having to tweak because the earths rotation isn’t constant, which is why “day” isn’t an si unit in the first place.Yeah, the civilization that decided they like base 60 is long gone, but the reason they liked it is still relevant, which is why we keep using it. Highly composite numbers are really convenient, and ten is a pretty shitty number beyond being the base we often count in.
Didn’t the French try that after the revolution?
Yep, base 10, base 10 everywhere.
Chad ancestors splited 1 year of 10 months of 3 décades of 10 days of 10 hours of 100 minutes of 100 seconds and so on. With 5 or 6 “sans-culotides” to handle leap years.
Also each unit of a decade is related to a fixed name: for example, “primedi” (first day of decade) is the 1st, 11th and 21th days of any month, “duodi” 2nd, 12th and 22th, “tridi” 3rd, 13th, 23th and so on until décadi fot 10th,20th and 30th and last day of the décade.
Jesse would approve that
Yeah. Specifically so they could disconnect from the sabbath
December was the last month. January and February were added later.
Calendar of King Romulus:
Martius - 31 Days Aprilis - 30 Days Maius - 31 Days Iunius - 30 Days Quintilis - 31 Days Sextilis - 30 Days September - 30 Days October - 31 Days November - 30 Days December - 30 Days
All credit and mistakes may be attributed to history.stackexchange.
Kodak used to operate on this 13 month calendar. When I asked someone who used to work there, she was shocked that I knew about it and said that it was the best thing about working there. The original plan that this calendar is based on called for a liminal day between years for New Year’s Day with 2 days for leap years
I work for a company which used to have 13 financial periods. It was great. Then they switched to 12 and we now have a couple of 5 week periods thrown in to balance the year out. I don’t know why they decided that but it’s not as good now.
I’m surprised they successfully attempted that and that it resulted to be taken positively. It seems as every out-of-the-norm scheduling idea is so frowned upon that even in small companies you can steer them to anything but the same ole.
I’ve used iso-weeks for this purpose. I don’t really care for dates if I don’t absolutely have to. It’s nice to refer to “week 44 five years ago” in my journals. Truth be told, no one else around me uses the weeks and the only mention to it I’ve heard was not positive.
I’m responsible for our databases and work with our BI guy a lot. Changing from 13 to 12 periods was a right pain. We had snapshots, budgets and loads of forecasting data, all of which needed to be updated to reflect the new calendar. It wasn’t as easy as dumping a new calendar in, well it perhaps could have been if we were given ample time to plan it.
In regards to week, period, year, quarter, etc that’s all easy for the user to switch to their preferred view in the BI system. The ERP system will use the financial calendar but reporting is done against whatever the user sees fit.
Stop using weeks you annoy me!
Phenomenal. Yay for you!
13 period financial calendars don’t break down into quarters that easily. One reporting quarter will always have an extra period.
5-4-4 creates even quarters except it requires either one extra day every year or one extra week every five to six years. It’s most beneficial for companies that either experience high seasonality or high consistency, such as retail and manufacturing.
Most other companies just use calendar month since it’s simple, easy to determine, and allows for rather consistent year-over-year comparison.
Each quarter is just 13 weeks. Problem solved.
Yep, that’s 5-4-4.
Big Calendar would never allow for this. Imagine only ever having to buy one calendar!
You don’t need to buy more than (I think) 4 right now…
There are 14, they can start on any day of the week and they may or may not have a leap year.
There is a choice between having an extra day in the holiday season and counting up the extra days plus leap days, and inserting an extra week every several years
Adding the extra day annoys people who value weeks continuing as they have since ancient times
Using a leap week rule makes the calendar track the seasons a little worse. Solstices and equinoxes will move by about a week over several years
How is no one in here talking about the International Fixed Calendar? It was exactly this, and Kodak used it for 60 years. It does work. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fixed_Calendar
Huh, so this + Human Era dating is now my new favorite calender (there’s a sentence lol)
I love human era! It aligns well in my human head when I think of human dates.
Every birthday you have, for your entire life, being on a Wednesday.
Sounds great.
I got a Friday, not the best but I can work with in
Mine would be on saturdays, but I haven’t celebrated in years, so…
Happy belated all the birthdays, have a cumulative party at some point!
No no no. Let him talk. He’s making sense.
Not a calendarologist, but I’m pretty sure lunar calendars were tried and rejected for a reason. Other than the places that still use them for traditional reasons.
Of course, maybe they just didn’t have the concept of leap days?
It only comes out to 364 days so you’ll still need to handle that 1.25 extra days in a year otherwise it’ll drift. You could just add December 29th as a special day past Saturday, but then you lose sync with the moon, eg.if New moon was on Sunday the first in the previous year, New moon would be on December 29th instead of on Jan 1st the next year and all new moons would be on the 28th.
You can keep your calendar in sync with the moon or the sun but not both.
As someone who has proposed this system myself, I feel the need to point out that the meme is glossing over a couple key points:
First and foremost, 13*28 is 364 days, so to avoid slippage you’d need an extra day appended to every year, either as part of a month, which breaks symmetry, or on it’s own. You’d also still need leap years.
And in order for the days of the week to be immutably aligned with dates, these extra days would also have to not be part of any week. Which is a big problem if you want to get anyone who practices an Abrahamic faith on board with the plan.
What exactly would be so troublesome with having a “special day” outside of the usual week/month cycle? You can still go worship on whatever day of the week applicable to your faith. Just make the last day of the year its own thing. We can call it “New Years Eve” and party together.
It makes the calendar less than compatible with the commandment to keep the Sabbath by not working on every seventh day.
Which is not insurmountable in practice (e.g. by keeping a separate ecumenical calendar) but you can bet it would be a significant source of opposition.
But you’d be resting on the extra day, too (if you want, I for one will be partying). So you’d never go more than seven days without rest.
If that still doesn’t fly, I suggest we combine the extra day and the previous day into a mega-day that is 48 hrs long. Then everyone except programmers will be happy (we’re never happy with datetime conventions anyway, so what’s one more if-else statement between friends).
Well if the 1st is on Sunday then every month would have a Friday 13th.
This is Jason Voorhees propaganda
ki ki ki, ma ma ma
tch tch tch tch tch, ah ah ah ah ah
Did you know that the 13th day of the month is more likely to be a Friday than any of the other weekdays?
I’m a nerd so I had to write code to check this out.
So from 1/1/1500 until 12/31/2023:
Weekday counts: Monday: 898 Tuesday: 897 Wednesday: 901 Thursday: 896 Friday: 901 Saturday: 896 Sunday: 899
No idea why, and other than a tie with Wednesday, this is indeed true. Well if my code is correct.
Depends on the year you start, it is thrown off by leap years.
For most proposals like this, new years day and leap day wouldn’t have a day of the week. And therefore the calendar wouldn’t change from year to year.
I was just talking about why there have been more fridays the 13ths since 1500.
until 12/31/2023:
My eyes see mixed-endian! I want them to unsee it!
Decide already whether you want 2023.12.31 or 31.12.2023.
I think your code is fine. The Gregorian Calendar actually runs on a 400-year cycle (i.e. the pattern caused by 7-day weeks, variable-length months and leap years repeats every 400 years) so if you re-ran the code against a 400-year period you’d get the correct ratios.
My favorite day. 🖤
I don’t wanna pay bills for another month
Landlords salivating at the prospect of an entirely new way to increase rent almost 10% for every tenant
As long as I get an extra payday without a decrease in payment, I’m good. I doubt that would be the case though.
Number of hours worked remains the same. TPTB would never allow this to improve the lives of ordinary folk. I say we cut a month out of the year. Who likes August, anyway?
If anything an extra month just means more time for holiday pay, more time for accountants, and more time to waste in general
But think of the possibilities. If you were born on the 31st, you’d stop aging.
Watch out for places (like gyms) that bill biweekly instead of monthly. You may think it lines up with months, but over the course of a year you pay an additional 8.6% more.
But, if you get paid biweekly and all of your bills are monthly, you basically get an extra paycheck each year.
Two extra I believe. And every few years three. BTW advertisers know this and try to sell big ticket items like TVs when that happens.
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Let’s make each month 73 days.
5 months. We can figure out a season for each one!
And pay less than half as much rent!
Landlords thought process: Since 2 months was typically 60-61 days and that range is higher, we’ll have to charge 3 payments for each monthly payment!
See also: Metric time.
10hrs in a day. 100min in a hour. 100 sec in a min.
You’d need to redefine the derived SI Units, or take new measurements for newly derived units. Newtons, joules, pascals, hertz, coulombs, watts, volts, ohms, farads, siemens, webers, teslas, henrys, becquerels, grays, sieverts, and katals.
Also not to mention motion and heat.
You could say there’s a large amount of pressure to not change, or that it’s a high “bar”…
I hope you smiled, because that is one joke I will not be making again.
You don’t need to redefine any of them if you don’t change the length of a second though, right? Because the SI unit for time is the second?
As long as you just change the definition for non-SI units, sure kilometers or miles per hour changes, but that’s not SI, so nobody cares.
There are (roughly) 86400 seconds in a day. This metric time describes a day with 100000 seconds. If you don’t redefine the second, then I guess we’ll just redefine the day, right?
100 seconds to a minute, 96 minutes to an hour, 9 hours in a day?? Metric with rounding.
Though I like the idea a lot, 60 has the great advantage that you can devide it by 2,3,4,5 and 6 which is a very useful property… The real power move would be to use the 60-system for everything… Like the Babylonians did, or so I heared
Base 12.
Nah, base 12 number system with the same logic as metric. But it’s probably too late to switch to a different number system.
Nah. Can’t devide by ape fingers
It’s useful. But when was the last time you used it? You usually don’t say a twelves or a third or a sixth of an hour, you say 5, 20 or 10 minutes. Half and quarter are available the same in decimal time.
It’s more a matter of habbit. You know what a second, a minute and an hour are because you had all your life to precisely learn it.
But then we will change either seconds or days.
If you take rhe same 24 hour day, and convert it to 10 metric hours, or mours, and split that to 100 metric minutes, or cenutes, and then 100 meconds, one cenute is 1.44 minutes, and one mecond is 0.86 seconds. The practical difference would be almost imperceptible. A mour would be significantly longer than an hour, 2.4 times, but you’d have the metric system attour disposal to break it into decimals.
That’s not to say we should switch, but it wouldn’t be that different.
I always thought that the argument is that metric time sounds nice but it’s actually worse than traditional time because 24 and 60 have much more factors that are more convenient in every day use. You can split them in half, in quarters, in thirds, in sixths.
You can make that same argument for Imperial units like inches and feet and cups and ounces. That’s why imperial units are still popular, because decimals are great for science and conversions, but 100 doesn’t have many divisors.
Also 10 days in a week. And 3 weeks in a month. Still 12 months, and 5 free days at the end. I like free days.
Fuck it. No-one is this thread can seem to agree, so I’m making a unilateral declaration that from here on out, all units of time except for the second are abolished, and we just use unix time for everything. You have until 1699217619s to make the switch.
you can omit the unit now
We’ll call it “Longpork’s Law”
Except that a lunar cycle is 29.5 days long.
The Jews recognized this and their calendar runs akin to it (https://www.timeanddate.com/date/jewish-leap-year.html), but with 7 “leap months” occurring over the course of 19 years. Of course, then they fuck it up with extra or fewer days to keep certain holidays from falling on certain days of the week. You win some, you lose some.
Guess the Jews win the Design the Most Convoluted Calendar contest.
Let this mofo cook.