Every number you gave was a lie with no basis in reality. The steam deck isn’t $600. Game pass isn’t $70 for 1 year, let alone 3. Abusing promos that no longer exist doesn’t support your case, even ignoring that the library is terrible.
Then you’re comparing it to full retail price ignoring that the entire discussion was that PC games are available heavily discounted with regularity. And again, the fact that as soon as you can’t pay $30/month for GameFly and Gamepass, your “library” is gone.
You can go buy 3 years of gold and convert it into 3 years of GPU for $70. Even without the discount you are taking about $250. The math still easily works out.
"you'll now need to purchase around 18 months of Xbox Live Gold to convert it to 12 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, pushing the price to around $120 instead of the previous $60 "
Every number you gave was a lie with no basis in reality. The steam deck isn’t $600. Game pass isn’t $70 for 1 year, let alone 3. Abusing promos that no longer exist doesn’t support your case, even ignoring that the library is terrible.
Then you’re comparing it to full retail price ignoring that the entire discussion was that PC games are available heavily discounted with regularity. And again, the fact that as soon as you can’t pay $30/month for GameFly and Gamepass, your “library” is gone.
You can go buy 3 years of gold and convert it into 3 years of GPU for $70. Even without the discount you are taking about $250. The math still easily works out.
It doesn’t work that way anymore
Okay. So you have to play 6 games instead of 5. Seems like the majority here are focusing in on details that don’t have a large effect on the math.
It could be $500 and it’s 7 games to break even.
I’m a major advocate for GPU, and I’m currently subscribed, but even I wouldn’t say it’s a better cost ratio than Steam games.
You’d be winning more people to your argument if you at least admitted and apologized for the things you got blatantly wrong.