It needs to be said, but I want to know how some of you view Mario games and where they started and ended at.

My take- I feel that Nintendo hasn’t made a good Mario game since… 3D world on the 3DS/wiiU and before that… Mario Galexy and then… since Paper Mario on the original Wii. those games were in my opinion the best of what Mario has to offer as it was originally intended. Fun, colorful cartoony, and exciteing.

If I had to tell you to play between Paper Mario Wii edition (not Wii U) or New Super Mario Bros Wii. I would suggest Paper Mario for the over all better experience for a Mario game. Granted it’s considered a spinoff, it’s more colorful and you could tell the devs actually cared about making a good game there.

Super Mario Galaxy and Mario Sunshine are games that make me wonder the following. They chose the water flood gimmick over a real sequal to Super Mario 64 with fixed physics camera, and everything. Then on the Wii, they chose to not make a good Mario 64 sequal there they kept everything small and simplified, and focused on the gimick of the console. Think of how we went from Super Mario bros 1 to 3, and from 3 to world. But that never happened going from the N64 to the Gamecube.

For the longest to time, it’s been the spinoffs keeping Mario alive, super smash bros, Mario Kart… paper Mario if not for those all we would have right now would be dumped down Mario games like new super Mario bros u or the Mario 3d world (even tho its one of the best, it’s not as good as it should be) with no real innovation for Mario or excitment.

If they don’t make a real Mario game for next gen, as they did during the N64 erra, Mario will never be good again. Mario Wonder is not a next gen game, they held back all their best, and finally now they make a good looking 2d game. This is what we should had gotten on the Wii U launch.

Edit: the idea of a perfect next gen Mario game would be something that plays like like Super Mario 64 , but then the moving/running and jumping physics of what you get in the new super Mario bros including the wall jumping, and with character models looking more like something you’d see in Super Smash Bros Brawl for the best modern approach for what Mario is suppose to look like graphically. Odyessee, while the graphics are good, i’m not saying they are bad. For a Mario game they are out of place. Lastly as for the camera, the camea should control more freely with the right stick, kinda like how the camera in Rayman 3 would control as a comparison for 3d platformers. Of course my opinion isn’t the absolute solution.

    • rob299@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Mario Odysee, was a good Mario game overall however it seemed like they were going for a more Hollywood vibe then Mario vibe in this game and feel like it strives away from what Mario was and is. It’s one thing if Super smash bros does that, another if Mario drives away from what Mario is in its own game. Also the levels look more like Sonic then Mario.

      Gameplay wise and mechanics it’s a great game, almost perfect, but it almost looks like Mario is going the direction of Sonic during the ps2 and Xbox 360 times, not necessarily broken games, but experimenting with new things but in a way that it doesn’t quite feel like how Mario is suppose to feel. Almost like how Sega tried making a shooter with Shadow the hedgehog for one. If they’d fix up the environments and the soundtrack it could easily be the best in the series.

    1 year ago

    At the risk of devolving into ad hominem…

    I feel that Nintendo hasn’t made a good Mario game since… 3D world on the 3DS/wiiU and before that… Mario Galexy and then… since Paper Mario on the original Wii. those games were in my opinion the best of what Mario has to offer as it was originally intended. Fun, colorful cartoony, and exciteing.

    …how old were you when those games were released?

    • rob299@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      born in year 1999 and my first Mario game was Super Mario advance 2 super mario world for the gba, then New super mario bros ds, I didn’t actually get to play Super Mario 64 untill I got it on the wii virtual console. But the way I remember super mario world on the gba, including the cover art it was amazing. even looking at it now it just looks so nice. I was atleast 5 or 6 when I got into Mario, I use to be a big fan of Mario generally untill I realised Mario games were slowly losing the vibe from past, if not entirely.

      I feel one of the main reason I know so much about Mario now is because back then I would go on the Wii consoles internet channel and google search about all the Mario games, and other times I would just go on the Wii shop channel and explore. Was a good time for me as a Mario fan.

    1 year ago

    [Born 1994 here]

    I honestly don’t see Super Mario 64 as that good nowadays. I’ve grown up with it, and I love it, but it certainly has its flaws.

    I’ve grown up with it, playing it hundreds of hours on my uncle‘s N64, which then got mine. It just… the levels are bland. They each have their special theme, but, except some small sections in 4 levels (and the bowser levels) there isn’t much platforming going on, it’s mostly running.

    And believe me when I say that I hated 2D platformers for over 20 years. They were just outdated and just for gameboys for me since we had 3-fucking-D.

    I still don’t think that the 2D Mario games are as good as media says they are, but I enjoy them.

    And please don’t rant about graphics. I haven’t played Wonders yet, but style is better than graphics. Take WindWaker for example: it got hated for its style back in the days but still looks good today.

    As for SMGalaxy and Galaxy2: they were a-may-zing. I didn’t play Galaxy2 that much when it came out, I’ve only beaten it once and then sold it to GameStop because I was dumb.

    • rob299@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I agree that Super Mario 64 particularly hasn’t aged, wouldn’t it be great if Nintendo made a modern tripple a continuation of a game like Super Mario 64 with a better camera and better controls? They wouldn’t even have to call it Super Mario 64 2, call it something else, but make the colors similar, but more next gen to that. Improve the polygon resolution, make the textures better quality. It’s really not that hard, it’s a game that Mario desperately needs but Nintendo hasn’t done properly for the franchise.

      I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the people running Nintendo going form the N64 to the Gamecube had changed but the Mario creator was there (I atleast think he was) to work on Mario Sunshine, I don’t get how they went from Super Mario 64 to Sunshine regarding the game mechanics such as the water flood.

    1 year ago

    So, the thing to know here is, Nintendo has multiple teams. Some teams make better games than others. Each era has some excellent games and some mediocre games. Mario Galaxy 2 is outstanding, and came out around the same time as Skyward Sword, which was disappointing and unpolished. They were developed by different teams.

    1 year ago

    Nintendo’s first party games, their top priority is to make games as fun as possible. Looking for a Mario game to be ‘good’ in the standards of what you consider to be good, is like hoping one day a Kirby game becomes soulslike because you felt they’re too easy. The thing with Mario games is that, everyone is going to have a handful of Mario games that they like and they’ll have some that didn’t do it for them. I personally think Super Mario World is some of the best well-packaged Mario games around and I think Mario Teaches Typing is hot garbage.

    1 year ago

    Perhaps I’m missing the point here. What’s wrong with Mario wonder?

    3D Mario games have all sucked imo. It’s a game that works best in 2D.

  • rob299@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    I added into the original post towards the end, my idea of what a real next gen Mario game should look like on the switch. and Nintendo isn’t delivering anything close to that. facts. On the 2d side of things Mario Wonder is a good game, I never did say it was bad. My argument for that game is simply that it was released wayyy too late for me to care, should had been on the Wii U and the fact that it isn’t worth $60 being a very basic 2d game. originally I thought it was $70 but I been corrected.

    If Mario Wonder was 2.5 d then we would have a somewhat next gen Mario game because then it would be a real upgrade from the New Super Mario Bros franchise. but Mario Wonder really is just much of the same but with nicer looking colors. oh and new super Mario bros u is still 60 dollars. Why? beats me.

    Mario Odeysee is the best Mario game on the switch, people keep thinking that i’m saying it’s a bad game, that’s not what i’m saying. however it isn’t the best 3D Mario game Nintendo could had made for the switch. and they themselves know that more then me that that is true just look at Mario games like- super paper Mario for the Wii. Just look at gameplay of the first stage in the game and tell me that anything on the switch compares to the amount of care and quality, for a Mario game to that.

      1 year ago

      In your title you do mention “good games” were absent for a period, while you probably mean: “Mario games with the classic style”, that’s where a lot of miscommunication is coming from.

      Nintendo pricing (especially further removed from launch) is pretty much space-magic.

      I can relate tot odyssey graphics being more ‘hollywood’, but after I was a bit disappointed with sunshine (and have since come around to love it), I immediately fell in love with galaxy. Then galaxy 2 came around, wow. While it’s style is more modern then SM64, it does not feel as out of place as odyssey graphics to me. It felt too easy, but all Mario games feel too easy, I’m just a better platform-player nowadays.