I currently have a Redmi note 10 5G. It has 4gb + 3gb of RAM (RAM extension feature) which is not even that bad.

But still for some reason my system just feels bad in general. Apps just stop working when in background which is really annoying when I need to multitask. I have seen phones with the same ram as mine (less if you the 3gb from memory extension) which just work so much better. And I am begging to think it must be something about MIUI.

Will that get any better once Hyper OS comes around? Or do you think I should just install a custom ROM? If the second option is the best, what should I install now that custom roms are not so popular? Also os there any way to install other OSs? I for example like how Huawei’s Harmony OS looks, is it even possible?

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    1 year ago

    “Memory extension” is just swap, wearing out your flash storage to accommodate for more virtual RAM. I don’t think you need a Xiaomi ROM to use it, though I’m not sure if any custom ROM allocates as much as 3GB of flash storage for RAM by default.

    4GB of actual RAM isn’t all that much these days. I personally found Xiaomi’s app killer to be overzealous, but if you turn it down you do end up with more standby power usage. Check https://dontkillmyapp.com/ for details on how to disable that stuff.

    I doubt HyperOS will be very different from MIUI, it’s still the same Android underneath and I doubt Xiaomi will throw out years of app killer optimisation rules to start from scratch.

    My go-to custom ROM is LineageOS, and if that’s not available, crDroid. The latter seems to be available on quite a few Xiaomi devices that don’t get upstream LineageOS support.

    I don’t think anyone has ported HarmonyOS to a non-Huawei device. The code is open, so I suppose it’s technically possible, but I think you’ll have to do it yourself.