and no one irl even has the decency to agree with me because it’s so fucking drilled into the culture that these fucking BuNsInNesSes have a Right to do this because it’s a bSUsniEss. like oh yeah they have an office building so they definitely get to analyze my piss because they say they want to. sick fucking freaks.

preaching to the choir a bit on lemmy (or i would hope so at least) but still

    1 year ago

    He’s operating heavy machinery while on drugs? I guarantee you he’s signed employment agreement papers saying he wouldn’t do that. He broke an agreement for employment. He should be out. Anything, ANYTHING, beyond that is the company going above and beyond.

    Best of luck to him and I hope he finds a company you’ve started that accepts folks operating heavy machinery while in an altered state. Hope the insurance costs aren’t too high because the employees are ;)