Would love to know what you guys think and your reasoning for it. I’m starting to see a lot of Apple Watches/Fitbits/Galaxy Watches in my area compared to more traditional timepieces.
Regular watch. I don’t need more things sending me notifications, and a nice watch makes me feel more confident.
Happy for you! If wearing a regular watch makes you feel better, then the value of that far outweighs any other option.
You forgot the third option: None.
I got a smartphone, I don’t need a watch to tell the time.
I wore a standard wristwatch all the time until about 25 years ago. I began noticing that I was conscious of feeling something on my wrist and I couldn’t stand it.
I then carried a nice pocket-watch around for a while until I got my first cell phone.Ah so you got a digital pocket watch then.
Most of the time, wrist watch (non smart) is more worn as a accessory to the look that a time teller.
Absolutely, but then you could also just wear a bracelet :)
Or both. I wear a normal watch and 4 bracelets
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Smartwatch. It’s very useful for triaging notifications (messages, email, phone calls, etc) and turning HomeKit devices on/off quickly or when my hands are full (Siri, open the garage door). Also extremely useful for fitness.
I see the appeal, having home automation on your wrist would be very convenient indeed.
Garmin “Smart” watch. It doesn’t do apps but it does notificatios and is great for fitness… and only needs charging once a month. A watch that needs recharging daily is useless to me.
Me as well. I like to track my steps and exercise. Instinct 2 only needs charging I’ve a month. Absolutely love it.
Never understood the issue with daily charging. Unless you need to track your sleep cycle (which I’ve also never really understood, but to each their own), what’s the problem with putting it on a charger each night before bed?
Because it’s a hassle. For example I need to lug a charger with me everywhere I go, which is especially annoying on longer trips.
I don’t wear any watch at all. Time isn’t real, it was invented by capitalists to sell more watches.
You also forgot the fourth option: Both.
I always wear a real watch because I collect them and they are the only jewellery I have and they complete your clothing style. They can gain value and I can give them to my kids one day (when I’ll learn how to make them). Also because as a Swiss I don’t really have a choice.
But I also wear an apple watch on the opposite arm, for sport reasons at first, then I got used to all the bullshit it have…
I can give them to my kids one day (when I’ll learn how to make them).
Are you trying to learn to make kids or watches?
Kids, it’s a private joke between my wife and me.
Aahhhh, well I wish you luck. May you get your 10,000 hours in practice and become a master of creating children!
Hahaha, fair enough. If I was Swiss then it would be an easy choice for me as well.
No ⌚.
No watch gang.
We watch the watchers.
No watch
Me too. I just hate everything that should be on my wrist or neck. They are just really not comfortable for me.
I’m the same. I even stopped wearing my wedding ring not long after getting married.
Where my Casio G-Shock fam at? Solar, set by atomic clock, stylish, pretty backlight, old Nokia cell phone levels of indestructible. What’s not to love?
I gave my ~25 years old G-Shock to my son, he somehow lost it the garden in the fall. I found it the next spring when the snow had melted. I dried it up and changed the battery, it works like nothing had happened.
Amazing design.
Gshocks are the ultimate watch, and honestly one of the most reliable things someone can have for everyday use
Same. I’ve beat the shit out of this watch and they’re not even expensive. It has some dings now, but it took quite a while dealing with my blue collar bullshit before it started showing abuse.
No watch. I have a smart phone
Casio G-Shock owner here. I prefer a watch to always know the time without checking my phone but I would never use IOT devices, including a smart watch for privacy & security reasons.
fist bump
I wear mine for outdoor stuff and a simpler Casio for a daily driver. Got my wife a matching pink one!
Satisfies my old-school wants and needs, about bulletproof, cheap as hell on eBay, all that.
Happy to see another G-Shock owner! I myself settled down on a 5610U. Its all I need + the very good aftermarket/modding community.
Ps: Just realised that you’re the guy from this comment, the world is small haha.
Yup, same here. Never really understood the G-Shock thing until I got one. The 5610U is truly one of the best watches hands down, and they’re cheap. I find myself using timers and alarms much more because I may not have my phone at all times (around the house etc). Solar to boot? It really doesnt get much better, they’re fantastic.
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A regular watch.
I’ve never seen the point of a smart watch, unless you’re using it for fitness.
Regular watch.
My good old Timex Ironman has survived tons of physical abuse over the decade or more ive had it, and it’s battery only needs my attention every few years. I doubt a smart watch would improve either of those scenarios.
Plus, I don’t see any value added to my life by having phone features on a smaller, harder to read screen. If I want to use phone features, my actual phone is less than a foot from my wrist.
I only wear a sundial but I admit it’s hard to tell the time when it’s cloudy or night out. Forget telling time inside too.
Anything else would be far too distracting
Is that a sundial in your pocket or are you just happy to see us?