My 980 is still alive, but I replaced it because I thought it had a bad fan bearing. I had just forgotten to remove the protective plastic on the fan shroud, so it peeled off a bit and the fan was hitting it.
It lived in my wife’s computer until the psu I put in burnt up.
Accurate, my 970 lives on!
My 980 is still alive, but I replaced it because I thought it had a bad fan bearing. I had just forgotten to remove the protective plastic on the fan shroud, so it peeled off a bit and the fan was hitting it.
It lived in my wife’s computer until the psu I put in burnt up.
Tbh if Maxwell/Pascal DX12 performance on Linux weren’t permanently degraded, I’d likely still be using mine
HaVe yOu tRiED uSiNg WiNDowS?
I used to crossbridge them but then one gave out but it just keeps on pluggin.
It’s the circle of life