Normal Top: Edit:
Savvy Middle: E:
Dumb Bottom: ETA:
What does ETA even stand for in the context of edited comments?
Edit to add
what? i always thought it was estimated time of arrival
what the hell does edit to add even mean ?
yeah that’s why it gets the dumbass poohbear.
Edit to add, I guess
It’s supposed to be ‘edited to add’.
Yes, it’s beyond dumb and I’ve only seen new people or women weirdly enough use it.
I’ve always wondered if it was a Tumblr thing.
hurr durr women dumb
Internet Rule #30: There are no women on the internet.
More like where did women learn such weird habits when they quarantined themselves on the internet before getting brave enough to go elsewhere?
It’s Tumblr right? Either that or they’re non English speaking and ETA isn’t used in other languages due to being an acronym.
Thank you! “Edited to add” is dumb AF.
Never seen ETA being used that way before. Thank goodness.
Sophisticated bear could also be PS imo
I’d argue N.B.: would be more appropriate
That has a different meaning, though. It’s Latin “Nota Bene”, which means “note well”, and it’s used to draw attention to something.
End a line with double space␣␣
where a line break should take place.(Refers to the mis-markdowned transcript)
I think I’ve seen E2A to avoid the confusion but I’m not sure how much that helps.