Sony should invent a way for people to buy a movie, own it, and be able to store it on a shelf or something. Maybe we can even lend them to friends or start a library.
Ok, but why would I want to store digital media on a shelf? IMHO not having physical media cluttering up my physical space is a big advantage of online purchases. That, and being able to acquire new stuff at any time, day or night, without even leaving home.
Sony should invent a way for people to buy a movie, own it, and be able to store it on a shelf or something. Maybe we can even lend them to friends or start a library.
What do you mean “lend”? They won’t buy it themselves?? Corporate blasphemy!
Something round and flat and blue. If only that technology existed 😩
Wasn’t it SME that constantly came up with the dumbest fucking DRM garbage on their CDs that made you unable to play them in regular media players?
Sometimes they also came up with literal malware as DRM.
Thank fuck for Kazaa at the time.
Ok, but why would I want to store digital media on a shelf? IMHO not having physical media cluttering up my physical space is a big advantage of online purchases. That, and being able to acquire new stuff at any time, day or night, without even leaving home.
Well, I’d also take the option of just downloading it and keeping it on my hard drive.