Looking around for a furry podcast that still releases episodes, or a furry adjacent podcast that a weird furry like me might enjoy. The Dollop, Hardcore History and Written in Uncertainty are all I listen to and they are great for history and Elder Scrolls enjoyers, but some variety would be awesome :3
I recently started listening to The Voice of Dog. It’s basically a host or guest reading a furry short story or poem every week. Episodes are usually under an hour, but thoroughly enjoyable.
I’ll give it a shot, sounds good. Sounds like an idea I had kicking around in my head for a while lol
Barking Points Memo is a good monthly news podcast for Furries, though their posting schedule has been a bit erratic this year.
Cheers, also Podcasts and erratic release schedules, name a more iconic combo
This was shared recently by a friend I follow: https://mastodon.social/@silvereagle/111484800732591545
Direct link: https://www.sofurry.com/forum/view/thread?id=58457&page=100000
That link has a few mentions of podcasts:
- 24/7 Chill Furry Lo-fi Radio https://www.youtube.com/@AquariusCrystalwave/streams
- Furry Refuge (Old streams) https://www.youtube.com/@furryrefuge3969/streams
- Catnip Radio https://www.mixcloud.com/CatnipRadio/stream/
- Furry Rave Crew https://www.mixcloud.com/FURRYRAVECREW/