i started to read the article and thought ‘these are dumb alarmist charges, boys can’t even have hobbies anymore’, and i read this
The plane crashed into the Los Padres National Forest 35 minutes after take-off. Jacob hiked to the site and recovered the footage. He then uploaded the video entitled “I crashed my airplane” to YouTube on 23 December, which contained a promotion for a wallet company, prosecutors said.
and now i’m totally on their side
it’s even worse.
- he delayed the research of the site by providing wrong information (while he knew perfectly where the crashed plane was… because he walk to it to get the videos footage)
- payed an helicopter to extract the plane scrape to a secret location (while ntsb was still looking for the crash site)
- then destroyed the evidence, so the ntsb could not perform any checks
i could add also that he had a fire extinguisher hide in his pant (to be able to access the footage if the plane was still on fire i presume), the original motor was may be replaced before the crash, the plane door was not properly lock (to facilitate his jump)… ha and yes, he had a jumpsuit (no fitting a normal pilot activity)…
Well, all of that was badly done. He’s a piece of shit that should never flight again.
And in addition to all of that. That plane was more than capable of doing an engine out landing in areas you can see in his video. But within seconds of issues he desides to pull back on the stick (to stop the prop for drama) and decides to jump out. He does no troubleshooting or looking for an appropriate landing site even though several good locations can be seen.
Even if you had to crash land, that plane can go slow enough that it’s a better option than jumping out. Skydiving into the wilderness isn’t a great idea.
He’s a piece of shit that should never flight again.
I’m sure you mean pilot, but I agree and mean leave the ground
It gets worse. Video is from Juan Browne, an airline pilot and reliable source of airflight news analysis.
Saved you the click:
A YouTuber has been jailed for six months for deliberately crashing his plane for views, and then lying about it to US investigators.
Should also have all his social media deleted and be prevented from accessing social media for a few years. He clearly can’t handle it.
That better not be the nice jail either. It better be the one, with, aww who am I kidding it’s the states there are no nice jails
There’s nice jails for the rich I’m sure.
“Content creators” are legitimately one of the single worst things to have happened.
Eh, there is a ton of content creators who make cool stuff and don’t endanger other people.
“Content creators” is in quotes because the person you’re responding to isn’t talking about everyone who posts content to Youtube, they’re referring to a specific culture derived from a subset of that group who will cravenly create any sort of material regardless of how much physical or societal harm can come from it. Examples: this plane-crashing psychopath, people creating “pranks” that hurt others or get kids to kill themselves, literally all and any alt-right media, etc.
The problem is that they all think they’re important celebs. Content creator means noting more than you make videos for a website, but people get an ego about it and think they’re celebrities
Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but surely you aren’t grouping this guy with the likes of Veritasium, Smarter Every Day, Steve Mould, or Cody’s Lab (just to name a few)? “Content creators” is a pretty broad brush.
Edit: I think I understand now. The quotes are air quotes; you don’t mean all content creators, but ones that create garbage content, like reaction videos, malicious pranks on strangers, etc., and call themselves “content creators”, right? If that’s what you meant, then sorry for my initial assumption!
For anyone looking for good YT channels, here are some more of my favorite actual content creators: Simone Giertz, Steve Wallis, Matthias Wandel, and Vice Grip Garage.
Dude… you left out Technology Connections.
“But with the power of buying TWO of them, I can show you!”
And techmoan
And Red Letter Media.
Speaking of Wisconsinites, we can’t forget Dunkey!
Keep sayin’ it!
[ Exclusionary Jazz Plays ]
He wasn’t even revealing the gender of his future child?? What a waste
He didn’t even manage to start a forest fire. Pathetic.
Who amongst us haven’t done the same, be honest now?
None of us have? Alrighty then!
I have. In various games. The annoying thing about this to me is that they didn’t even hang around to watch the pretty fireball (cos, you know, “gravity”). That’s like 95% of the reason for doing it.
Edit: actually, I bet there wasn’t even a fireball cos real life physics aren’t the same as game physics.
There was no fireball, he probably had just a small amount of fuel and shut off the valves before bailing, but we don’t know because he had the plane helilifted out and destroyed, destroying the evidence. In his video he went to the plane after to get his gopros, and it’s just kinda smushed. If there was a fireball it probably would have started a wildfire, which is part of the reason he’s going to jail.
Also these kinds of planes tend to keep more or less stable when not given input due to their design. So no dramatic nosedive, probably just steadily dropped altitude as it lost speed.
Some other pilot pointed out it looks like he fucked the trim all up before jumping out so it would spiral
Yeah, reality is pretty mid tbh. Ridiculously unbalanced too.
The “Billionaire” and “Idiot Zealot” classes really need to be nerfed yesterday!
I just want the ability to respec I put my points into idiot zealot all wrong and now I fart bubbles all day
Considering the potential consequences of this idiocy, 6 months is less than a slap on the wrist.
I fully agree. Having a ton of steel and gasoline with some igniters fall uncontrollable to the ground is more than reckless.
Great, was wondering what happened with this fucking moron. The FAA won’t let you get a license if you’ve ever smoked weed or sought treatment for depression. But chucklefucks like this can make it their whole career. Only wish the sentence was far longer.
Not true, it’s up to the AME to clear you as safe to fly in view of seeking treatment for depression and if you seek treatment for depression while holding a pilots license it grounds you until the AME reclears you, much like any other life threatening health conditions.
The fact that they treat pretty much any treatment of mental illness, no matter how long ago, as “probably actively suicidal and a danger to themself and others” is what I take issue with. And it’s a tedious, time consuming, expensive process to try to get cleared. To the point where several flight instructors, and the chief pilot, have told me I should’ve just lied on the federal form. Because that’s what everyone else does. But whatever, I have cheaper hobbies.
Assuming you’re talking VFR?
The FAA won’t let you get a license if you’ve ever smoked weed or sought treatment for depression.
For real? But it’s fine if you drink alcohol… some rules seem so arbitrary…
Yerp. That’s federal agencies for you.
Way to reinforce negative stereotypes about people named Trevor bud!
We live in the GTA Universe! And monetizable Social Media made it possible!
The new gta6 trailer shows that you can make Tik Tok videos, so we’ve come full circle
Yeah, that’s going to be a thing, right? Half the trailer was clips from the perspective of various in-world cameras.
A guy named Trevor Jacob is going to jail? Colour me surprised…
Yeah, this stinks of Ricky using them as jail cover
Smokes - let’s go
Awww he didn’t even get ridge quick! [RIMSHOT]
Almost forgot about that, glad he’s facing consequences.
Just when I thought stepping backwards off of a cliff for a selfie was the peak of social media whoring.
We should also penalize the platform, in this case YouTube, if the offense was demonstrably committed for the sake of posting content on these platforms for personal gain. That way we also disincentivize this kind of behaviour at the source.
penalize the platform, in this YouTube
What law would YouTube be breaking, would you say?
I guess none, wanna watch this clip of a murder for hire I did?
As long as there aren’t any female nipples!
No. Still doesn’t mean YouTube had any part in the killing.
I knew it was you what did kissinger and yes
deleted by creator
I mean for the dumb stunt, what should have happened is that he died from it or at least permanently removed himself from the gene pool. Considering how stupid it all was, and how many points of failure the whole scheme had, I guess chances weren’t even bad.
How would that even work?