The financial types are generally more interested in hollow core fiber, to get their latencies even further down for high frequency trading. Because light travels at almost c in hollow core but only at 2/3 c in fiber core.
Actually Wall Street intentionally increases their latency
Some guy figured out that trades were getting sniped due to some locations having more latency than others relative to the trade location, so he developed a solution that intentionally lags the connection on different wires so that everyone gets their trade updates simultaneously and can’t snipe each other to up the prices on other people’s buys.
Wallstreet just put in a bulk order.
The financial types are generally more interested in hollow core fiber, to get their latencies even further down for high frequency trading. Because light travels at almost c in hollow core but only at 2/3 c in fiber core.
So is hollow core fiber a vacuum or is it just hollow? I’ve never heard of that tech.
I think that both hollow core fibers filled with air and others with just vacuum exist, but it’s a bit far from my operational reality, so I’m not that sure. I just read in industry news that euNetworks has deployed 45 km of Lumenisity hollowcore fiber and that Microsoft bought Lumensity
Actually Wall Street intentionally increases their latency
Some guy figured out that trades were getting sniped due to some locations having more latency than others relative to the trade location, so he developed a solution that intentionally lags the connection on different wires so that everyone gets their trade updates simultaneously and can’t snipe each other to up the prices on other people’s buys.