This child is unhinged.
We stan.
They will grow up to be a great memer
Or President of a western first world nation
A corporate CEO at the very least
I’m sure a 3 year old said all this.
Why does everyone on the internet think kids are mute grubs until they turn ten?
3 year olds say wild shit all the time.
They are at the peak of “i just learned this” and “i don’t fully understand social implications”.
They’re not mute, but they also aren’t saying stuff like that. It would mean she remembered and understood the death scene of a ~1.5hr movie at the age of 2, and understands social norms enough to concoct a dastardly plot to monopolize that edible playdoh in the OP.
Even at 3, that’s a stretch. At 4? Sure. At barely 3? No way.
Full sentences usually start at about 24 months old, my guy.
36 months is when the stories start.
If you weren’t making shit up at 3 you should be evaluated for a developmental delay.
As the parent of a preschooler, he would absolutely say this. He didn’t have the patience to sit through such a long movie at that age, but he’d play while shows are on, and he’d definitely catch any intense emotional or musical moments.
And he could certainly plot, if a bit hamfistedly! At a little before three, he’d come up with some excuse for me to leave the room whenever he wanted to do something he wasn’t supposed to (“Mommy wants you!”). If that kid realized she’d been upset by the scene, I could totally see her taking that one step further to make others upset at an opportune moment!
Tough break kid. Still eating that cake lol
Ah, I fellow I am in dead inside person.
She’s going places
Of course her name is Leona. Pure lion energy lol
I thought it said Lithium Ion cake
Sure beats Cellular Peptide cake!
With mint frosting?
old timey phone rings
Is sometime going to get that?!
Even in the 24th century they’re still using android phones.
Still better than internal combustion engine cake 🤷
She’s right, tho. Too devastated to eat right now.
I was hoping it would be a math joke about 3 factorial, but this is just sad
this is just sad
Just as planned.
And it worked at least with me. I didn’t eat a single piece of that cake
Master plan
Yeah, because 3 year olds totally should watch Lion King. Bullshit or bad parenting?
Imagine being so prude you think that children can’t watch children’s movies
It’s rated G or the equivalent in most countries:
Incidentally, that page has this, which made my day:
I don’t know if I’ve ever heard a worse take in my life.
It’s literally a kid’s movie. I loved this when I was a baby.
lol wut