Your comment instead displays (pun intended) a lack of understanding on business. Samsung doesn’t only makes phone, they have whole divisions making everything. Guess what: they also have a division that creates screens.
Haha, Apple is and has been using Samsung displays. I think even majority of them was made by Samsung although don’t quote me on that since am too lazy to find numbers at this point. More to the point Samsung is huge in chip manufacturing, so memory chips, sensors and other components are made by them as well. Samsung also hold more than 85% of OLED screen market. Simply put, if you want OLED screen on your device your choices are either LG or Samsung.
This headline makes no sense. Nor does the article. Apple and Samsung are rivals.
Your comment instead displays (pun intended) a lack of understanding on business. Samsung doesn’t only makes phone, they have whole divisions making everything. Guess what: they also have a division that creates screens.
Haha, Apple is and has been using Samsung displays. I think even majority of them was made by Samsung although don’t quote me on that since am too lazy to find numbers at this point. More to the point Samsung is huge in chip manufacturing, so memory chips, sensors and other components are made by them as well. Samsung also hold more than 85% of OLED screen market. Simply put, if you want OLED screen on your device your choices are either LG or Samsung.
They’re playing both sides so they always come out on top
If they are only playing the sides, then they’ll only ever come out… on the sides.
They need to play the top and bottom as well.