Hey, happy holidays everyone!~
Please note development will wax and wane with the holidays. Hopefully not as much as with my fishing trip haha 💀
New Features
Switch accounts while commenting
I was inspired by this post: You can now select the lemmy account you want to comment with directly from the new comment dialog! Just tap the header of the new comment dialog to switch accounts.
New Icon: Happy Holidays! ☃️
Enjoy! Thank you @fer0n! 💙
What’s Changed
- Add support for inline code in inline markdown by @0xCmdrKeen in https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/pull/1058
- Fix android photo upload error by @aeharding in https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/pull/1064
- Fix misc typescript warnings, error handling for resize by @aeharding in https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/pull/1066
- Add commenting with other account by @aeharding in https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/pull/1057
- Add Holidays icon by @fer0n in https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/pull/1065
Full Changelog: https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/compare/1.30.3...1.31.0
Can someone remind me of where I can go to send some $$$ to aeharding? Posting here to both get an answer and help others find the link.
Liberapay also! https://liberapay.com/aeharding
You can also do in-app tips, but apple/google take 15% off the top of those
Thanks :)
Love it! I whish you a nice holiday!
Thank you for Voyager, & have great Christmas 🎅🤞🏻
Thanks! ❄️
I want to thank you @aeharding@lemmy.world for your amazing work in fixing the photo selection error I had.
For reference, I posted the issue faced 2 days ago and this update fixes it.
Voyager is great. Thank you.
Oh it fixed it? Awesome, I was going to ask haha.
all the things! 🚀Yeah it works. Though sometimes I have to retry uploading the image. It uploads after the third or fourth attempt.
Thanks for everything! Have a great holiday!
You too!
Thank you so much! Have a good break!
Loving everything especially after adding the option to sort. Happy holidays to everyone and take care
well that’s 2/2 icons from that old post i replied to, i will definitely be using both of them on multiple devices!
Thank you for your great work! I’m quite broken at the moment, but as soon as I have some extra money I’ll donate, you’re doing a great job.
Have nice holidays!