You can post anything and it will get down voted. Lemmy is as toxic as reddit and people use downvote as a tool to suppress what they don’t like, regardless of the merit of the comment.
The more I use it, the less I like it. For some reason, it feels like a majority of the people here are already angry and argumentative, and they are happy to snap and make me their current problem.
The hive mind aspect is also ~5x worse than Reddit. People love to cover their ears here, even in constructive conversations. It’s a real shame.
Huh. This hasn’t been my experience. I notice some hive-mindedness and meme responses, but in general I feel like high-quality comments are more visible here. I also put a lot more effort into my comments than I ever did on Reddit.
You can post anything and it will get down voted. Lemmy is as toxic as reddit and people use downvote as a tool to suppress what they don’t like, regardless of the merit of the comment.
I disagree. Downvoting…
The more I use it, the less I like it. For some reason, it feels like a majority of the people here are already angry and argumentative, and they are happy to snap and make me their current problem.
The hive mind aspect is also ~5x worse than Reddit. People love to cover their ears here, even in constructive conversations. It’s a real shame.
A lot of users here were pushed out of other communities. They carry the toxicity with them.
Huh, this is a great point. I haven’t thought about that.
100% people here are much more argumentative and angry and less likely to tolerate differing opinions
There’s also way less viewpoint diversity here. There’s a pretty narrow window of opinions on any given subject that’s tolerated.
Huh. This hasn’t been my experience. I notice some hive-mindedness and meme responses, but in general I feel like high-quality comments are more visible here. I also put a lot more effort into my comments than I ever did on Reddit.
There is a tendemcy for what gets more downvotes.
In particular anything not FOSS and Windows based.