Inspired by the ongoing Resurgence giveaway, I thought it might be fun to discuss some of our favourite Trek games. Underappreciated gems are particularly welcome!
Inspired by the ongoing Resurgence giveaway, I thought it might be fun to discuss some of our favourite Trek games. Underappreciated gems are particularly welcome!
Who else played Star Trek: Armada?
HELLS YEAH! That game was my JAM
I was pretty young when I was introduced to star trek, and it started out with only the movies. I loved C&C Red Alert, so my parents got Armada for my dad and I to play, and I think I put in a good 1,000 hours into it before my dad even tried it out.
I played that game so much I think by the time I got a new computer I was giving myself ridiculous challenges to beat the computer opponents like scout class offense ships only, or “once superweapon ships are unlocked only use those no matter the price” or “no expanding the base”
Shoutout to the ST: Armada 3 mod for Sins of a Solar Empire. I didn’t play the originals but the mod is really impressive.
@charonn0 @ValueSubtracted oh yes! Played Armada 2 more, especially modded.