A Ukrainian soldier named Serhiy, returning from Russian captivity, has reportedly been found mutilated with swastikas carved into his forehead, as disclosed by Dr. Olexandr Turkevich, who is treating him.
The soldier, blindfolded during the ordeal, claimed Russian soldiers threatened to dismember him, citing accusations of fascism.
They couldn’t even draw it correctly, this is a religious symbol, if you angle it so it looks like an X in the middle, then you have the Nazis swastika.
Reminds me of this classic meme
That bottom center one will always be my favorite.
They’re all special in their own way. Each one of god’s little miracles.
I couldn’t have even guessed that they were trying to draw a swastika with that one.
The Nazis didn’t fucking care, this is just the dumb shit Nazis say online to gaslight you about other Nazis doing Nazi things.