Tesla cars are shoddily built pieces of shit liable to fall apart and malfunction in dangerous ways at inopportune moments. No, this is not a blog from 2012! It is also not a blog from 2015 or 2018 or 2022. It is not even a blog from two weeks ago about Tesla’s self-driving systems killing […]
"Then the wheel falls off while you’re driving, or the autopilot plows into a jersey wall, and you’re meant to be thrilled.* Glad even. Grateful! This is proof: You were an early adopter. A beta tester, a brave explorer. You’re helping to work out the bugs, mapping new territory. Who knows? In a hundred years this car’s descendants might be as reliable as cars that by then will be 150 years old, and you will have played a part in making it so. Won’t that be nice.
But they’re claiming this as being something said or insinuated or anything from Tesla themselves. Who is telling Tesla owners they’re supposed to be happy when their cars have problems?
Do you struggle to comprehend simile, metaphor, hyperbole? Can you discern an opinion from a fact, or indeed an OpEd article from regular fact based reporting? Do you have difficulty detecting sarcasm and facetious turns of phrase? Does wit and creativity intimidate and confuse you? Are you secretly a Thermian from the historical documents chronicling the later adventures of the NSEA Protector?
Teslas are known as the Panel Gap kings of the automotive industry, even in countries that still have clear memories of British Leyland where you were never even sure the doors on your car were actually meant for the model you bought.
They just felt like writing whatever they wanted for the headline huh?
How so? Doesn’t seem like much of a disconnect with the article as sometimes happens.
Where is the “supposed to be glad” part in the article?
Last paragraph…
"Then the wheel falls off while you’re driving, or the autopilot plows into a jersey wall, and you’re meant to be thrilled.* Glad even. Grateful! This is proof: You were an early adopter. A beta tester, a brave explorer. You’re helping to work out the bugs, mapping new territory. Who knows? In a hundred years this car’s descendants might be as reliable as cars that by then will be 150 years old, and you will have played a part in making it so. Won’t that be nice.
*Assuming you lived through it."
But they’re claiming this as being something said or insinuated or anything from Tesla themselves. Who is telling Tesla owners they’re supposed to be happy when their cars have problems?
Do you struggle to comprehend simile, metaphor, hyperbole? Can you discern an opinion from a fact, or indeed an OpEd article from regular fact based reporting? Do you have difficulty detecting sarcasm and facetious turns of phrase? Does wit and creativity intimidate and confuse you? Are you secretly a Thermian from the historical documents chronicling the later adventures of the NSEA Protector?
So basically its a work of fiction.
Gimme a quote
Sorry it’s 2 in the morning here and I’ve had some alcohol…
Found the fanboy
Yeah, that’s literally how opinion pieces work! Would be pretty silly otherwise huh?
Teslas are known as the Panel Gap kings of the automotive industry, even in countries that still have clear memories of British Leyland where you were never even sure the doors on your car were actually meant for the model you bought.
At least that’s just visual. Still shit for a car that expensive. But the welding and “engineering” holy shit these are crappy cars
The unvarnished truth?