The special efx haven’t gotten more expensive, cameras haven’t risen in price, writers don’t seem to be demanding particular high prices, netflix takes anything that you can pitch without saying the word disney.
So what in the world happened? X-files was an amazing show and watching it you are not only entertained but you care about mulder and scully. The show is genuinely a great time. Why did they stop making them like this?
Not neccessarily x-files related, just of the same quality and make. Something that is as entertaining as watching xfiles.
Mr Robot. Rewatching it now and x-files rewatch is next on the list.
Maybe Lost but you gotta kinda vibecheck if it’s your thing. And Stranger Things also has the whole mystery vibe going.
I was interested in Mr Robot but then they had this cringy exchange and i just couldn’t bring myself to continue to watch…
There are a lot of weird cringey exchanges in this show similar to this that end up being stylized writing to trick or subvert the viewer. You should continue watching
Well, you’re missing out. You want a show with an accurate portrayal of hacking and tech culture? Good luck, it doesnt exist. But at least this show tries to use legitimate tools and techniques used in the real world.
It’s also not what makes the show interesting though. I can understand if it’s not your thing but this scene should not be the deciding factor.
Honestly i laughed at the joke.
I only saw the first episode.
I then gave myself an summary spoiler and didin’t like at all the way the story went on.
Come on man, it’s linuxey and exotic!
Oh please don’t let this keep you from watching this show. This show has at least two of the best end-of-season reveals of all time (first and last season).
I’ve never seen x-files, but it does get brought up a lot in conversation about Fringe (one of my favorites). Fringe starts off as {insert scifi thing} of the week, and then the plot starts to develop later. I recommend giving it a shot.
Supernatural seasons 1-5 are some quality monster of the week episodes. I never watched past that point because it was a fitting conclusion and I heard the show went off the rails after that.
Star Trek (TNG, DS9, VOY) would also be quality serialized shows.
What type of stuff do you like? I see down below you stating your dislike for modern popular shows.