I remember one day hearing my father downstairs laughing his ass off. Went down to see what was so funny to find he had just discovered Mystery Science Theater 3000, and was losing it watching The Giant Gila Monster. I sat down to watch. I didn’t really get it then, but I’ve been a fan ever since.
Mitchell is a go to for me.
Joel’s snowy farewell, Mike narrowly missing death, and it got the cast/crew physically threatened by Joe Don Baker.
FYI for anyone just reminded of the show: !mst3k@lemmy.world
The Final Sacrifice is one of my all-time favorites!! It is the perfect mix of a bad movie that is just the right kind of entertaining and hilarious jokes at the awkward kid, hopeless drunk, and other ridiculous side characters. I think I could watch it literally every day.
This is one of the harder episodes to find. Tjardus Greidanus lives up to the name he’s given durning the opening credits and doesn’t allow Shoutcast to have a license for the movie and will frequently go copyright strike anyone that puts the episode up online.
What?!?! Just embrace it, dude!
I think the movie is going reeeaaaally well
The Puma Man! With the power to rear project buildings from his arse!
Oh who am I kidding, I can’t build a cat!
When you want the flavor of bacon
in a dip
Each man is a god each man is free…Which is why we worship aliens whose only power is to give one man a problematic outfit and a bad accent.
Space Mutiny and Overdrawn at the Memory Bank are tied for me. They both still absolutely slay me everytime I put them on. Seasonally appropriate too!
"Sabotaged?! But what of the little children and their toys? "
“Finally, Christmas comes to Santa!”
“So he only dabbles in dopples?”
I didn’t want to bungle or bobble the Fingal dopple.
Mitchell, Manos, and Pod People are probably a three-way tie for me. Some of my underrated favorites are Girls Town, The Incredible Melting Man, The Giant Spider Invasion, Teen-Age Crime Wave, and Kitten With a Whip.
Oh absolutely this one
I think Giant Spider Invasion is the first one I ever saw, randomly showing on SciFi channel early one morning. I was dying from laughter, just laying on the floor gasping for breath from laughing so hard. Been a fan ever since!
I really love pod people. I introduced mst3k to my friends I made in college my freshman year with this and they didn’t think I was a huge weirdo! Instead they all just fell in love with trumpy.
Yep, me too. It’s an awful movie in so many confusing ways but I love it so much. Also the guys are on fire throughout.
Came here for Pod People! Agree
“Manos! The hands of fate.“ I’ve corrupted my wife to the point where either of us will just blurt it out now when we talk about hands
I think The Final Sacrifice might take it for me. Rowsdower ftw.
Time of the Apes
“I don’t care!”
Johnny doesn’t care. Should you?
“Santa Clause Conquers the Martians”
it is almost Septober
Awesome! Septoberfest!
Do yourself a favor and check out the Rifftrax streaming app. Tons of great content. Easily worth the $6 a month.
That’s an asklemmy question for 2024!
Overall favorite is probably The Movie if that counts (not an episode), Werewolf if it doesn’t.
I use the movie to introduce people to the show. It sets up the whole universe without tons of in-jokes that newbies won’t understand. And “This Island Earth” is a weird combo of being a decent enough movie while still being infinitely mockable.
Me and my mum found the movie on late one night and I don’t think we’d ever laughed as hard from something for as long. Our sides were in agony.
Final Justice. God they did Joe Don Baker dirty hahaha
- Time of the Apes
- Santa Claus (the one with Pitch the demon)
- Godzilla vs Megalon
- Mitchell
- War of the Colossal Beast (just for the Mr B Natural short)
- The Day the Earth Froze
This Island Earth, of course!
Doesn’t count, it was a movie not an episode
How does it not count? Every episode is a movie. This is no different.