Do you regularly take half showers between tampons or you’re fine with just drying for the most intense days?
I’m wondering if there’s a medical condition here. What is happening to need showers between tampons?
Sorry for not providing a helpful answer, but TIL a bidet can be used for this 😳 sounds like a very useful lifehack too
Lifehack? What did you think it was meant for?!?
Edit: since there are smart people in the comments, it is for washing that part - what do you wash it from makes no difference. The poor mind of some people… 🤷♂️
You really can’t think of anything else that 100% of the population can use a bidet for?
99%, don’t forget about colostomy bags my friend.
I had this realization 2 seconds after posting my comment but figured I’d just let someone else correct me
Sometimes it’s fun to let someone else be pedantic for once.
Getting popcorn out of your teeth
I assumed it was for the cavity at the end of the alimentary canal, after having a dump?
It evens out your investment portfolio.
Best answer.
For the poops, my friend
Ol trusty rag on a stick never let me down
** Applauds **
Well, firstly, you don’t need a lot of time between tampons, technically – so long as the absorption size isn’t too crazy and you’re changing them frequently enough. Secondly, fuck tampons, get a menstrual cup. For the uninitiated, it’s a silicone doohickey essentially shaped like a bell that fits around the cervix. Learning curve? Yes. Squick factor? Probably. tons of sizes. Safer than tampons (see Toxic Shock Syndrome).
Pays for itself in a few months if you have heavy flow.
Bidet would be a little less necessary but still, if heated, v nice.
If I’ve had a rough second day I’ll half-shower rinse, sure, but the merula xl is just about big enough to handle it otherwise.
I switch between those and Period Panties. Sometimes anything internal makes cramps worse, and honestly, I really dread rummaging around in there to drag it out while covering my hand in blood. It’s just not practical to empty/rinse at work and I do 16 hour shifts, so it’s not possible to just pop it in for the work day either. I use the cup when I’m not at work and it’s past the crampy days. Sometimes tampons + period panties are the only solution for me.
I tried the cup. I have several sizes. They just got stuck in there and never popped open and almost ended up going to the ER to have it removed.
My condolences.
My super jenny isn’t firm at all and I don’t have trouble maneuvering it but the merula xl is very firm and that fucker hurts if it pops too soon ☠️
Tangential: If the toilet paper shortage during the pan wasn’t enough to wake Americans up to the need for bidets, nothing will. We’re savages over here.
I still can’t imagine how people live without a bidet. They’re just walking around with poopy asses all the time.
You wipe properly and dont have poopy ass.
There’s always residue. You’re just diluting it by wiping repeatedly. Before I was a bidet convert, I was a very thorough wiper. Now that I’ve experienced both, I know there’s never enough dry wiping.
Italian here. We always had a bidet and used it as a second toilet as kids. Never used it. As an adult I soak in the tub
Wait, rather than a quick squirt on your ass. You instead fill an entire bathtub so you can drag your shit-covered ass in there and soak in your own feces?
holy self report
DIY wet wipes (reaching over to the sink and dampening some tp while at home, or dampening a paper towel before entering the toilet stall in public)
Don’t really need one, I have a menstrual cup and don’t get really any mess.
I have a packet of baby wipes for bad days.
Don’t flush those! Even if they say flushable , they’re lying.
You probably already know that, but just in case some people don’t.
But do flush your spent AA batteries
You can pour a little paint down the drain, as a treat
Just my AA chips when my drinking buddies come by for a surprise visit.
Yeah goes in the tiny rubbish bin.
Portable bidets are a thing. Basically a squeeze bottle with a special nozzle to direct the stream. Periods aren’t something I have to deal with, so I really don’t know what kind of cleanup is required, but it seems like it would be better than nothing.
I don’t have to worry about it now, but when I had my period (and I strictly used pads) I would use a peri-bottle full of warm water. My period having teen uses refresher wipes.
Being male.
go away
I get a shot in my butt every three months so I don’t get my hell periods.
Before that, showers were hell because I had such heavy flows. Everything was just hell.
Just have a penis! Duh!
But really, I live in savage no-bidet land, but thankfully I have a handheld shower head that I can just use sitting on the corner of the tub. When I didn’t have a tub, I just squatted, but it’s not nearly as easy
Okay, I’m a bit concerned at this whole thing.
When I’m on then I shower once a day. I use femfresh to wash and then towel dry.
Why would I need anything else in between? Most disposable products need changing every 4hrs but that doesn’t mean throughly cleaning between uses. Reusables vary but again nothing needs deep cleaning under than 12hrs.
I feel like I’m misunderstanding the question?
Bidet, mate
Reading comprehension issue?
So its impossible for them to get a bidet? I didn’t exactly comprehend that part either…
The reason OP is without bidet is irrelevant to the question.
Not to put too fine a point on it but if OP said
- can’t be/have toilet paper or any wipe
- i refuse to wipe
Are we to go along with that as well and have it reflected in the calculus?
Sometimes you actually have to color a bit outside the lines in order to adequately provide guidance or actually good advice. And everyone but the OP has seemed to speak louder and more presumptively on this than OP themself so I’m going to respectfully end this exchange and hopefully OP can chime in more if its relevant for them to do so.