Does the blinking yellow light allow drivers to turn onto pedestrians crossing with a green pedestrian light? Cause here that’s the only way you can turn in many intersections and that’s not exactly safer. You shouldn’t put this responsibility on the drivers at all.
In Australia, “blinking yelloe” means “drive with caution” - roadway may be used bey pedestrians, slower traffic may have merged to faster, the traffic lights normal function might be impeded. Just basically a catch all for “be careful”.
Having acid that it’s very rare that you’d find a blinking yellow on a turn across pedestrians - you’d get green arrow or light, pedestrians get green walk, and driver waits for pedestrians. It’s not rocket science. You don’t turn on red though.
Normally blinking yellow just means “traffic light disabled, treat this as a normal intersection”
Turns are regulated by traffic lights with arrows, that’s it. Although nowadays they try to replace as many traffic lights as possible with roundabouts.
Does the blinking yellow light allow drivers to turn onto pedestrians crossing with a green pedestrian light? Cause here that’s the only way you can turn in many intersections and that’s not exactly safer. You shouldn’t put this responsibility on the drivers at all.
In Australia, “blinking yelloe” means “drive with caution” - roadway may be used bey pedestrians, slower traffic may have merged to faster, the traffic lights normal function might be impeded. Just basically a catch all for “be careful”.
Having acid that it’s very rare that you’d find a blinking yellow on a turn across pedestrians - you’d get green arrow or light, pedestrians get green walk, and driver waits for pedestrians. It’s not rocket science. You don’t turn on red though.
Then again we still have thrse fellas so maybe dont listen to us :
Normally blinking yellow just means “traffic light disabled, treat this as a normal intersection”
Turns are regulated by traffic lights with arrows, that’s it. Although nowadays they try to replace as many traffic lights as possible with roundabouts.
Yes. Yellow blinking light (in Portugal) means you can advance with caution. If you kill someone, its your responsibility.
Edit: usually its on zones with low pedestrian traffic. On more busy zones its red/green to turn as normal