I once got passed by a rainbow-decal prius with the bumper stickers “0-60 eventually” and “you just got passed by a lesbian in a unicorn outfit”
Sure enough when we stopped at the next light, there were two rather lovey-dovey women in the front seat, and the driver was wearing what looked like a unicorn onesie. It was fantastic.
Incidentally, my wife now has a similar unicorn onesie and wears it when we go grocery shopping.
I once got passed by a rainbow-decal prius with the bumper stickers “0-60 eventually” and “you just got passed by a lesbian in a unicorn outfit”
Sure enough when we stopped at the next light, there were two rather lovey-dovey women in the front seat, and the driver was wearing what looked like a unicorn onesie. It was fantastic.
Incidentally, my wife now has a similar unicorn onesie and wears it when we go grocery shopping.
And that’s why I’m always speeding.
Plot twist, she makes the unicorn onesie and that’s her marketing strategy.
Smart move. I’d buy one for me, too if that were the case.
I’m already looking for one in my size…