I’ll bite. Serious answer.
If your password is required to only be a number, it has the smallest “girth” possible at only 10 possibilities for a length of one.
If your password is required to only be a letter, it has more “girth” at only 26 possibilities for a length of one.
If your password is required to only be a symbol, it’s probably about the same “girth” as letters.
You could make the girth increase on your one-character password by requiring it to be any of those above, but that’s still just about 60 options.
But length increases the security of a password exponentially. So if your password is required to be two numbers, you’re already of 100 options. Require only one more digit, and you’re at 1000, even with only ten choices per digit.
So girth is far less important than length when it comes to passwords.
Oh, and making the font bigger has no effect.
Depends if font size is also counted as the password
Username: lemmycommenter
Password: <p>p@sswerd</p>
Edit: was trying to do something funny but lemmy removes css style tags from comments I guess
It makes me feel like a big man, though :(
That’s the equivalent of making your pickup truck bigger.
I was thinking trimming and a good unsticking before the reveal
Yeah, but counterpoint
60^10 = 6e17
10^10 = 1e10
That’s 60 million times more options. So yeah, girth matters.
Exactly what I was thinking. Girth is just the number of possible characters. A very crude measure of password strength could thus be length x girth.
Lowercase, uppercase, numbers,special characters… GIRTHY
passwordpassword = long
17Password&* = SECURE
PW = chode
i want my password in two dimensional array please
Passimages would be cool but impractical, tho with password managers now they might not be sooo impractical
I went with password “length” because when I tried “girth” it said it couldn’t be the same as my username
Doesn’t matter if its long, if you reuse it everywhere then it’ll end up pretty useless. What I’m saying is that it’s not what you’ve got, it’s how you use it.
----------------sleek and satisfying!
I always surround my passwords with <h1></h1> tags.
Image Transcription: Mastodon Post
Justin Dearing, @zippy1981@hachyderm.io
Everyone talks about password length, but what about password girth