I am actually using a degoogled phone, and the only thing I’m missing are push notifications, for one single app. Everything else I use works just fine for me, but as always, ymmv
I’d love it if Signal officially supported UnifiedPush, it seems to be the most promising direct alternative to FCM. They started talking about quantum-resistant encryption or whatever, but at the same time resorted to using a websocket.
Which is pretty much the least elegant way of doing it. Not something I’d expect from them, to be honest.
Then there’s Tuta Mail, they have a much better way of handling push notifications, but it’s still their own thing too, and instead of promoting something like UnifiedPush, they write blogposts dragging Protonmail for not having an alternative.
(Which I’m also annoyed by, but their posts about it seemed a bit pretentious, which I just hate to see.)
I am actually using a degoogled phone, and the only thing I’m missing are push notifications, for one single app. Everything else I use works just fine for me, but as always, ymmv
It was a while since I tried it now. I used Cyanogenmod before, quite a few years back. But camera was bad with it.
Yeah, the default lineage cam today can’t do a whole lot either
Signal? microG works great for push notifications
You don’t need thay either. Signal has its own thing, so does whatsapp. And if you use molly, it supports unifiedpush.
I’d love it if Signal officially supported UnifiedPush, it seems to be the most promising direct alternative to FCM. They started talking about quantum-resistant encryption or whatever, but at the same time resorted to using a websocket.
Which is pretty much the least elegant way of doing it. Not something I’d expect from them, to be honest.
Then there’s Tuta Mail, they have a much better way of handling push notifications, but it’s still their own thing too, and instead of promoting something like UnifiedPush, they write blogposts dragging Protonmail for not having an alternative.
(Which I’m also annoyed by, but their posts about it seemed a bit pretentious, which I just hate to see.)
Signals own version used to be really bad for your battery though.
It generally used like 30% of my battery on its own.
Although now it is much better.