They’d shoot the cats too, but those fuckers are just too small and fast.
We need more grenades
They throw the grenades in the cribs, none left for cats
Babies are slow and weak, perfect targets for the biggest gang who constantly fears for their lives
Hey, it was just a flashbang.
You mean stun grenade
Which takes up a grenade slot on the equipment screen.
That’s why they need a bigger budget.
you don’t mess with the cat or you lose your partners first and then it comes for you
Jesus this should be on antiquememeroadshow. I think I first saw it on 4chan in like 2009.
Still highly relevant.
It is very crispy
unfortunately, still relevant
What? 2009 is antique now? It’s just been… oh wow, that long huh?
deleted by creator
In the US, we have these dangerous things called no knock warrants for stupid shit like drugs.
Often, they bust into a house on one of these, and just preemptively kill the dogs whether or not it was necessary and whether or not they find what they were looking for.
Also often, they BREACH THE WRONG HOUSE and kill some unrelated person’s dog.
I think the US had a good cop once, but the other cops shot em.
I think the US had a good cop once, but the other cops shot em.
If I was a baddie and working with honest people, I’d remove them from my baddie club because they will fuck up my plans.
ACAB, because the bastards chased out the good guys.
It’s true. I know one good cop, my cousin. He joined because he wanted to help protect people. He lasted two years before quitting due to the corruption and hypocrisy. He’s now an insurance salesman.
Damn, cop to insurance salesman! Does your cousin have a humiliation fetish?
Edit: just a joke, guys.
Hah! I figured you were joking. He actually makes a decent income from selling and managing his accounts. It IS telling that he’d rather sell insurance than be a cop. If I had to choose between the two, I’d sell all my possessions and live in the forest.
Incredible. He said in no uncertain terms that the shootings were in response to their corruption, and in return they open fire on two unrelated civilian cars while trying to find him.
Just incredible.
They had to defend their corruption.
It’s a shame he did some truly fucked up shit in the end. Hard to hold up as an example when he goes after families.
But yeah, that all happened because he tried to be a good cop in the LAPD. They can’t have that.
Man, the fact that cops attacked 3 completely unrelated people during that is pretty awful. Their vehicles didn’t even match his
I disagree but then again I’m not someone who has ever done drugs. I don’t regard the police as villains but there are some bad apples. I’m sure there are drug users who are also. And some of the drug dealers have guns, which is never a good situation.
I disagree, American police are objectively awful.
Police do a very poor job at making communities safer. The vast majority of arrests are for marijuana posession and parole violations, more than all forms of violent crimes combined. (
Police families are 200-400% more likely to experience domestic violence, at a rate of ~20-40% of families overall. (
Police also commit sexual assault (mostly towards minors) at a rate 150% higher than average. It is the 2nd most common crime committed by police. (
Despite this, no official nationwide data is collected on police crimes.
Cops are known to plant evidence, to force false confessions, to exaggerate or fabricate their statements, and to make up charges like “resisting arrest.” Cops also have an internal code of silence colloquially known as the “Blue Wall”. In a survey, 52% of prosecutors said that they believed officers fabricated evidence “at least half of the time”. 90% admitted that they directly saw police commit perjury “at least some of the time” ( <- this article is paywalled, but this one summarizes its findings ->
Police have entire PR departments focused on recruiting and rehabilitating their image, please don’t fall for it. Police do not make anyone safer. Police uniforms evoke fear and distrust in those around them, and represent people who are much more likely to negatively affect those in their lives.
Those who believe they can “change the system” by choosing to be good are ignoring how deeply-rooted and systemic the problems are. Those who do speak out against misconduct are likely to face retaliation, ex. Frank Serpico.
The only solution is to completely rework the way that Police interact with the public. Currently, militarizing them further just contributes to exacerbating existing issues.
Damn, that’s a great write up. Thanks!
Ok sounds good.
“One bad apple spoils the bunch.”
If you have 10,000 good cops, and 1,000 bad cops, you have 11,000 bad cops.
Here’s the thing, a lot of people like to compare groups: cops vs druggies, cops vs gangbangers, cops vs antifa, etc.
But of those groups:
One was founded upon the finding and retrieval of slaves.
One is paid for by taxes.
One receives military augmentation via vehicles and weapons.
One has a disproportionate kill rate amongst the general population of POC vs whites.
One has an actual union + lobby.The police as they are are not a means to combat crime, they are a means to facilitate money for a very non-fair justice system that itself is rife with corruption.
Edit: and while there are many cops who are “good people”, there are way more “good people” in other careers that don’t have carte blanche to kill.
It’s so weird how many people only use the first half of that phrase and use it to mean the exact opposite of what it means
Oh well if you don’t do drugs, you’re totally safe! Everyone knows police have never kicked down the wrong door, or drunkenly broken into the wrong apartment, or driven a tank into the wrong house and killed someone before checking to make sure they have the right address. They always knock politely and say, “excuse me, are you the drug dealer we’re looking for?” before shooting people and/or pets.
🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
I disagree but then again I’m not someone who has ever done drugs
Your medal is in the mail.
THANK THE GOOD FUCKING LORD FOR THAT!! I can add it to my other gold medals for being the best person ever to exist! (And I really do have a medal for that).
A former cop posted on reddit (paraphrasing): 20% of cops are genuine heroes who got into the job to help people. 50% are just normal people there to do a job, get paid, go home. The other 30% are psychos who got into it specifically to abuse authority. That comment has always stuck with me.
And guess which ones get promoted? Hint: it’s the ones who willing to do anything to get more authority.
No argument from me. Fuck the police.
The big thing is 70% support and enable the 30%. Those 20% are not genuine heroes if they protect rapists, thieves, racists, and violent criminals who abuse their authority. They are, at best, the lesser evil.
I would argue they’re actually the greater evil in this scenario. The ones actually DOING the unthinkable acts stand a chance to face repercussions, albeit a very small chance. The “heroes” are effectively tools of pro-cop propaganda via association and cover up of their dogshit monster coworkers.
If you are a good cop, no the fuck you’re not.
The “one bad apple spoils the bunch” axiom loses a lot of its meaning when you ignore the second half.
That sounds great! Thanks.
I sincerely hope a police officer never kills you, your family, or your pets. Sadly it’s a very real possibility, no matter how “innocent” (read: white) you are.
Yeah, this was the thing that should have been bigger during Black Lives Matter.
There’s nothing special about skin color. If the cops decide to treat you like you’re black, you’re fucked. They’re just more likely to do so if you ARE black. Black Lives Matter was about all lives, without changing the fucking slogan. If they can shoot a black kid because he ran away (and get away with it), they can shoot your kid too. I don’t know what makes white people feel like they’re somehow above this. If your dad isn’t the President of the United States, nobody’s going to help you when they shoot your kid.
Should people have been able to emphasize without making it personally relate to them? Absolutely. But they fucking wouldn’t.
Going to bet OP is a teenager with a extreme tiny view of the world.
If not, yikes. I hope and pray this is a child.
She’s a full grown adult in her 60’s. Supposedly.
Life expectancy for someone born in 1963 is only like 70 anyways. She was raised to believe cops are heroes and that “drug users” means “dangerous criminals”. Homegirl probably also thinks the war on drugs was a good thing and is genuinely scared of black people, I’d put money on it.
Life expectancy takes into account all the people who died young. A woman who is 60 today is expected to live until 86.
WarmSoda knows me all too well, we live (shall we say) very close to each other.
Don’t know what OP is, but don’t really give a shit for your view anyway.
You should at least take your prescription drugs.
A very nice thought, I appreciate it!
WarmSoda and I have had a personal close relationship for years now. Her moniker “WarmSoda” is a reference to her love of “golden showers” - she likes being pissed on by men. She refers to herself as a natural “wide receiver,” if you know what I mean (wink wink!).
Oh boy, I guess I should be happy for you that you never had to deal with it.
What’s so hard about living a life where you don’t have to be a criminal doing terrible things. I haven’t had to deal with the “law” because I believe in and follow them. I’ve had a great life and yes, it can be done. So why do people choose to wallow in muck if there’s a better option for them??? You don’t have to deal with it either if you want a better life.
Sweet sweet summer child
Yes thanks for understand that. I was born during the solstice, what my religion refers to by an ancient name when our rites are most fruitful and bloody all at once. A summer child is what my parents called me, and by which name I still am known.
Police are one of the top reasons for dog deaths in America. There’s basically no recourse if police shoot your dog, because they can just claim it was aggressive and/or they were worried it would attack them. Dogs don’t have any legal rights as far as the law is concerned, so there’s basically nothing the general public can do if the police kill your dog.
If you ever need to call the police to your house, the first thing you should do while you wait for them to arrive is to put as many locks between the police and your dog(s) as possible. Put their kennels in a locked room, if possible. Because if the police come into direct contact with them, there’s a very good chance that the dog won’t survive. Even if your dog is 100% friendly.
Even if you dog is 100% friendly AND kenneled!! The locked room part of this advice is very important!
For non-Americans, this is very much an exaggeration. You can just take your chances if you want. More than likely you and your dog will be fine. Even better odds if you’re white!
This is a reason it’s taboo to call police to your home.
It’s very, VERY much not an exaggeration. Cops love killing dogs, they kill 25-30 a day. I think it’s more likely than not to go ok if a cop is in your home, but you absolutely shouldn’t assume they’re not gonna shoot your dog. There’s a horrifyingly high chance they will, no matter what breed you have or how friendly or well trained it is
The funniest part is that there actually is a dog hand signal for swat teams
Was gonna say it’s atf not swat, the meme is wrong, thanks.
I read this in Hoot voice and it just made it better. Really in brand for him.
Cops are like a box of chocolates…
…they’ll kill your dog.
- Gorrest Fump
fuxk you i almost broke in the middle of my class
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The reason he gave: Do not call for doxing mods of any forum.
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Have you brought up the spyware, swatting, suspicions of your ex with any professionals?
I suspect a mod has doxxed me. Why are the mods only allowed to dox?
I suspect that you doxxed me. Why are you only allowed to dox?
Why are the mods allowed to comment on posts in a manner that displays that they know personal information about your daily activities and your online identity?
Did they share personal information or only prove that they know it?
They didn’t do either, you’re responding to a paranoid schizophrenic. Their post and comment history are full of nonsense about being tracked, doxxed, and gangstalked.
It seems like this website is spying on me already. I’ve been getting swatted by a scorned Ex for a couple years now. Her friends create distractions and like to point fingers at Corporations and use them as shields.
Nah, Amy doesn’t have anything to do with this.
The dog is going to die if peoples lives are on the line. Dog life < person life
That typically requires an officer to determine if a life is actually at risk because of the dog. Call me crazy, but I don’t think anyone who interprets a Chihuahua as a life risk needs to be serving on a swat team.
Well those little dogs can be mean so it may be justified
Never thought I’d encounter someone who seriously proposed the “well little dogs might deserve to die too” argument. So congrats on that.
I hope you never serve on a force that encounters animals, because you’re the type to justify shooting a dog after you’ve done it.
You clearly haven’t been around Tutsi when he gets upset.
“I shoot dogs when they get upset”
Yeah, we know buddy
Our Chihuahua that’s abnormally strong strong from steroids because of her Addison’s disease has trouble getting out from under a weighted blanket.
Yeah, they can be loud assholes and they can break skin when they bite, but they can’t take a squirrel in a fight. They’re far from a life-threatening danger to armored kill teams.
Yeah I’m aware I just think its funny. (I have a little dig and he is well behaved)
Is that so?