Oh yeah. Like I have my physical 2fa security key, verified 2fa phone number, and can verify from my email, but if I log onto vpn with all this information I am a bot user. Hate it. Fortunately, either my bank doesn’t flag it or protonvpn is getting past it. But, I know plenty of websites and services like Geometry Dash flag my vpn.
Huh? I don’t understand this post
IMO this is one example of the countless stupid rules banks force on its customers in the name of security.
There are many more, feel free to add some mire stupid ideas.
Bank doesn’t allow use if connection is originating from VPN. It’s really stupid because passwords exist.
Oh yeah. Like I have my physical 2fa security key, verified 2fa phone number, and can verify from my email, but if I log onto vpn with all this information I am a bot user. Hate it. Fortunately, either my bank doesn’t flag it or protonvpn is getting past it. But, I know plenty of websites and services like Geometry Dash flag my vpn.
I haven’t run into it at all. If my bank does this I’m moving elsewhere. I’m not going to to business with a bank that is that stupid.
Some banks out there don’t even take physical hardware tokens so I’m happy my bank takes it.
Edit: Here is a website somebody made that shows which banks even have 2fa and what methods they support.