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“Somehow Palpatine Returned”
That was the last movie I saw before the pandemic, and I didn’t go to the theater again until October 2022.
I felt like the movie was so bad that it ushered in the end times.
I tryed so hard to enjoy it, you guys!
Lucky you, the last movie I saw in theatre before the pandemic was Cats.
I honestly don’t know which experience was worse…
2019 was a helluva year for movies
It’s a horrible mess, but there’s bits in there too like, overall poor though for sure. One of the worst if not the worst. Episodes 8 and 9 tension the only Star Wars content I’ve only watched once. Ben Solo however was a very short bit very enjoyable bit of Star Wars.
I haven’t watched any Star Wars content ever since. I absolutely loved The Last Jedi, so I was hoping this was just another such case of fans being overly cynical, but I just couldn’t like TRoS, try as I might.
I’m not trying to steal anyone’s joy, though. Entertainment value is so subjective.
I gonna be honest. . I didn’t love the sequels…
But I didn’t hate them.
Then one day I heard “star wars is having an official Canon event in fortnite” and rolled my eyes figuring some promotional cash grab bs.
Then when I heard “somehow Palpatine returned”, I looked more into it, and turned the movie off. I still haven’t seen all of it.
I love the shows.
The Force awakens was fun but not great star wars.
There is bad star wars, and you summed it up perfectly.
“They fly now?”
Somehow Palpatine returned.
“Previously, on Fortnite”
They should have explained it a little bit more, but palpatine also returned in the sequel books that people liked.
If your movie requires a book…
Down votes but no elaboration? Cope and seethe! The movie was nonsensical because they cut some out and put it in TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT KINDS OF MEDIA.
If you think that’s good filmmaking you are just wrong.
The plot of Episode 7-9 is almost exactly the same as Episode 4-6. They even had fucking Palpatine come back…what the entire fuck. It was so beyond lazy that it’s downright fucking insulting.
Not to mention after 6 there is suppost to be the end of the empire and yet they just magically reappear.
I was so hyped for that crazy force powerful alien dude…my god they did him dirty. Would have been better if he was actually like 15’ tall lol. Uses a chaotic great sword version of a ligtsaber. Oh. That would have been awesome.
Yeah! I though Snoke is gonna be the final boss or something, and he got chopped in half just like that. They did not plan out the trilogy at all.
You are wrong my friend.
K thx
The Holiday Special, it’s a train wreck.
You besmirch the good name of train wrecks.
I second the holiday special, and nine is absurd. That part with the dagger is one of the worst things I’ve seen in a movie.
Wrong, you are.
“They fly now?”
Episode 8 is really disjointed and weird, from a purely cinematic standpoint.
Episode 9 is also pretty bad, from an editing perspective. Everything just moved too fast, and nothing felt like it had proper buildup.
You didn’t like the goonies moment where he lined up that rock to the medallion? You didn’t think that was super amazing story telling that made perfect logical sense?
Episode IX: Now Fuel Is A Concern
Lifelong fan of SW. I have seen all of them up to Last Jedi. I have read all of the EU back when it was cannon. Never went to New Jedi Order. Because the emotions it brought me were pain and suffering. They kill Mara Jade. The only other bad ass female character in a series of 30+ books. What about Children of the Jedi? I mean the entire Trilogy is whiny 70’s sci fi emo writing all it’s own but that the Star Wars stamp was put on it just adds insult to injury.
I have read and watched every piece of SW media I could get my hands on for the last 30 years. There were absolutely some trash books or plotlines but nothing is worse than the 3 sequels and the Book of Boba Fett. Also, Solo got a bad rap.
The great part in Solo is that it didn’t get sequels.
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Solo cooking up that memba’berry casserole, but it was tasteless, bland, and all around not a good time.
I’d add, it’s okay to like things that aren’t great. The new Jurassic Park series is kinda bad, but I still enjoy them anyways.
I can’t. You have none.
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I’d argue that they could have continued making movies, perhaps indefinitely. The problem is that Disney invested a billion dollars and then didn’t spend a dime on writers.
Planning out an overarching story, major plot points, and compelling characters beforehand would have solved just about every problem with the sequel trilogy. Instead Disney seemed to hand the films over to the hotshot director du jour who would more or less shoot from the hip.
Even if we’d ended up with fan service rehashes like the Force Awakens it wouldn’t be the end of the world, just a wasted opportunity. Instead Johnson came in and kicked over the sandcastle which forced Abrams to come back and frantically try to patch it back up.
You’d think that spending a billion dollars would make a company at least try to do some prep work to maximize their investment.