A top Lenovo exec said he'd "bet a paycheck" that Motorola will be the third-biggest smartphone brand in 3 years, laying down a challenge to Apple and Samsung.
“The Chinese computer manufacturer Lenovo has been sentenced in the USA to pay USD 3.5 m as a fine for installing malware and adware (Superfish) on its laptops without informing its customers. By doing so, Lenovo committed the offence of computer break-in, as it wilfully undermined the security of its computers for users and made them vulnerable to cyber attacks.”
I am never going to buy a phone from a company with strong ties with the CCP, and a history of installing spyware on its products.
only certified grade A American spyware for me please 😤😤😤
Have you got any sources for Motorola phones coming with spyware on them?
“The Chinese computer manufacturer Lenovo has been sentenced in the USA to pay USD 3.5 m as a fine for installing malware and adware (Superfish) on its laptops without informing its customers. By doing so, Lenovo committed the offence of computer break-in, as it wilfully undermined the security of its computers for users and made them vulnerable to cyber attacks.”
You are probably going to say “but those are Lenovo laptops, not Motorola phones”.
Lenovo owns Motorola. If you want to trust the company feel free to do so.
I asked for sources on Motorola phones being compromised, but I ain’t seeing that still?
Aspersions don’t equal anecdotes > evidence. You show me that and I’ll shout louder than you.
Install LineageOS on it